Saturday, February 09, 2008


Hi. My name is [insert my name here], and I'm a dateaholic.

The first step is admitting you have a problem? I am trying to take a break from dating, really really I am!! But unfortunately, I have a problem. And this problem forces me to seek out dates all the time. So, while the plan was to take a few months for myself, and not date anyone at all... here I am planning dates with about 3 different guys. I have strayed a bit from the traditional and jdate guys (which answers a question posted earlier and I do not just date guys from jdate!) and have moved to some of the newer, quirkier *free* dating sites. These include - OkCupid, PlentyofFish (I've just looked at this one, nothing posted there), and my age old standby for free dating - Craigslist. I am addicted to dating. I'm not sure if I am addicted to the actual process of finding a date, or going on the date, but whatever it is, I am finding it hard to break the habit.

And on top of all that, I'm supposed to hang out with Chin Guy tonight. This will be the first time that we've hung out since the really nice dinner date that apparently scared him away. I think we're hanging out just as friends. I'm not sure. Now that there are a few other guys in the prospective future for dates, he's definitely less appealing as a potential datee, but I'm looking forward to seeing him. I'm sure it will be nothing exciting, and really we'll just watch a movie or get some food... but I'm curious to see how this will all pan out.

I've been considering starting a new blog as well, a food/diet blog (my sister just started one, and it inspired me to), less exciting than dates, but I'll link it to here if I get it up and running. I guess I'm a blogaholic too.


Debbie said...

My name is Debbie and I am also a dateaholic! HAHA! It's all good..nothing wrong w/dating a lot :o) Nobody can say you're "not trying." You've got to date in order to find a good guy!

Logan said...

I knew we hadn't heard the last of chin guy. Interesting to see if he'll put the chin-moves on i3rooklyngirl.

Liz said...

Yay- my own shout out!