Monday, February 18, 2008

Double Trouble

Two dates for the price of one... I had a double header tonight (and trust me, I'm on the lookout for cockroaches!) But all in all, it wasn't as exciting as they usually are. My first date was one that I had postponed from this weekend. It wasn't one I was looking forward, and for good reason. I had talked to this guy on the phone before meeting him, and the conversation seemed harder than any I've had before. However I hoped that had to do with him being uncomfortable on the phone, and not really a reflection of how the date would go.

We met up early for coffee in University City. It was a beautiful day when I got there, warm and sunny - very unlike February. He was nice enough, but unfortunately, the conversation was no better than on the phone. We talked for 2 hours, I guess... there were lots of lulls and uncomfortable silences... and I don't think I'm trying as hard as I used to when it comes to making conversations with uber-shy guys. We didn't really talk much about anything more than very surface things, and I felt like there was no natural transition from one topic to the next. It was like one ended, and then I had to come up with a question or comment to start a new conversation. At least twice, I actually made a weather reference (it started raining during the time I was there), and felt like I was actually saying, "so... how about that weather, hmm?" Nothing like bad conversation to make 2 hours feel like 10. Around 6:15, I made about the 10 glance to my watch, and he asked me if I had to go. I said that I should be getting home, and also my meter was going to run out soon. He had to go back to his office on campus to pick up his bike and jacket, and I agreed to drive him back since it was raining. It was awkward and there was very little to say... The goodbye was strange, and I really just wanted him out of my car. I was kind of miserable about the fact that I had wasted the remainder of the nice day and now it was cold and rainy.

Straight from one date to the next, I went to the bowling alley to meet up with the guy from Friday night. I had been wanting to go bowling all weekend, and since it didn't pan out with my friend here, the guy from Friday said he'd go with me today. This guy is the one who really wants a girlfriend (we'll call him WAG for short). He was late, again, and I was on time, surprisingly (even after getting lost briefly around 30th St. Station). We bowled four games, which were all a lot of fun. The only problem is that it's hard to have a conversation with someone while you're both up bowling. Bowling with multiple people would be better as it would give us more of a chance to talk. However, in the short discussions we did have, I found out that he's not so adventurous with his food, and may not eat Thai food... this is obviously a problem for me, but he may be willing to try it. He has some food issues, which make me hesitant, but hopefully they are not too serious. After bowling, he walked me out to my car, which turned into making out in my car. Nothing more than kissing, my car isn't that spacious and there were too many people in and out of the parking lot. I'm not that risqué anyway. I can tell he really likes me, or at least the idea of me. It's definitely hard for me to tell, because he did make it so glaringly clear that he really wants a girlfriend. I don't want to date someone just because they are looking to be with anyone. I'd like to date someone who's genuinely interested in me. It's confusing, and making it hard for me to tell how I feel about him.

However, he isn't reserved about wanting to see me. He asked me out for dinner tomorrow night. This makes 3 dates within 5 days. I may have to slow this one down a bit before we get a little carried away.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Glad you're having fun with WAG...just proceed with caution! The other dude sounds like Dully McDullerson! At least you and WAG had some bowling fun afterwards :o)