Friday, February 29, 2008


Never in my life have I been caught by my parents, or roommates, or anyone doing anything I wouldn't want them to catch me doing. On Wednesday night, I went out to dinner with Mr. Perfect. He came to my house to pick me up, and no one was home at the time so I invited him in to meet my dog, even though my dog is vicious and doesn't like anyone new. He came in and I was showing him around, when I hear my mom come home. Nothing was going on, so it wasn't a big deal... I just wasn't ready for him to meet my parents just yet. He was very cool about it, and it wasn't a big deal... I was just very scared that would scare him off or something. It didn't.

We went to dinner and I learned new things about him that don't match my criteria, although I'm trying to minimize the amount of criteria that I try to hold him up to. The newest one is that he is not adventurous with his food, and is pretty bland when it comes to what he will eat. I think I knew before that he was a picky eater, but I didn't realize how incredibly picky until Wednesday. I was not thrilled... But that's not a deal breaker. After dinner we went to Barnes and Noble, were I perused books and tried to persuade him that he would like to read some of them (I will try my best to make him a reader!) If anyone has any good book suggestions for a guy who is not a reader, please pass them my way. We picked up some magazines (which he will read) and got some coffee and dessert in the coffee shop. We sat and read and chatted minimally, and it was very comfortable and easy. Sometimes I forget that I've only been dating him for 2 weeks, it seems like much longer.

He drove me back to my parents house and we were making out in the car in the driveway. My mom parks her car in the garage and I already knew she came home. My dad's car was in the driveway, so I just assumed that both my parents were home. We had actually moved to the back seat at one point. I had never seen the point of doing anything in a car before when there are perfectly good houses and bedrooms available. In this case, it wasn't available, but he did offer to drive down to his house (20 minutes) then drive me back (20 mins) and then have to drive back home (20 mins). I told him an hour of driving wasn't worth it, and we didn't need to have sex every time we hung out... but clearly I didn't mean that, and we managed in his car. Things were heating up and I definitely was not entirely clothed when suddenly he stops and says that there is a car at my driveway with it's blinker on. I asked if it was a white car, which would be my mom's, because my dad's was definitely in the driveway. He couldn't tell because the windows were all fogged up, but the car was not moving. The car parked at the foot of the driveway, and it was in fact my mom who had gone back to school for some ungodly reason after already coming home. Mr. Perfect managed to get dressed quicker than I had ever seen anyone dress themselves in such a small space. I on the other hand had no chance of getting dressed quick enough without creating a disturbance and drawing more attention to the car. I pulled his coat over myself and crouched down in hopes of not being seen. We sat very very still. My mom walked right past the car and into the house. I freaked out for a bit, not knowing what she saw or if she saw anything at all. She obviously noticed his car... so we had to be somewhere. When she realized we were not in the house, I figured she'd figure out the rest. After about 15 minutes of freaking out, I finally mustered up the strength to go inside and face my parents. I know my parents aren't dumb, but they did a really good job playing it that night. My mom asked me where we went, and genuinely sounded surprised when I told her that we had been in the car when she came home. She said that she had thought I had snuck Mr. Perfect upstairs when my dad wasn't around... which I think would have been pretty weird.

Mr. Perfect commented at one point how the 20 minute drive to his house didn't seem so silly after all. And I think from now on we'll stick to safe places, as it should be.


Anonymous said...

As a slight non-reader, my suggestions are start small and choose books that have multiple story lines in them (good for the easily bored or distracted). I recommend Travels with Charlie and Cannery Row by Steinbeck or It was on fire when I sat on it (I think thats the title, its a simple book by the author of All I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten).

my 2 cents,
Pat (Patti's Husband)

Debbie said...

HAHAHA! Oh man..that is SO embarrassing! I would have been so completely humiliated. Very sweet of your mom to play dumb.