Thursday, March 29, 2007


Last night was different than I was expecting it to be. First off, the Israeli did not manage to make it to dinner with my friend and me. Which turned out to be for the best, I think. I don't know that I would have really enjoyed hanging out with him with the company of others... I have sworn that off, since we really are NOT dating. I called him around 9 when I was done dinner and back home, and he got to my place around 10 or so. We hung out in the living room area for an hour or so while he was checking his flight information and such. I decided that I wanted to go to bed kind of early because I knew he'd be getting me up super early when he got up to leave - since I'd have to get up too to let him out of the apartment. So around 11ish I started getting ready for bed. The plan had been for him to read more of Oracle Night and catch up to the part where I had last left off, and then we'd finish reading it together.

We were discussing what time he would need to get up in the morning, and he mentioned something about leaving the light on for him so he could see where he was going at 4:30 in the morning. I was being ridiculously stubborn (in hindsight) and told him that absolutely not was I going to leave a light on in the living room for 5 hours just so he could see in the morning. I told him he could turn on the light when he woke up. Well, this instigated probably the first (and hopefully only) fight I've had with the Israeli. He couldn't see why I wouldn't leave the light on, claiming it would cost me about 10 cents extra if it were on for that time. That's all well and good, but I'm not going to waste energy, and my roommate and I have been trying to conserve energy - and not by keeping lights on all night. We argued about this for a while, and he made some really obnoxious comments about how he obviously values people higher than I do, and that he's so surprised because I'm always so generous with everything else, that I must really be cheap when it comes to electricity. He also said that in Israel, people would always offer to leave a light on for someone if they were in an unfamiliar place and wouldn't care about the electricity. It must be an Israeli thing, he said (meaning being considerate!) He also said that I value electricity higher than I value people. Ooooh, I was so pissed off. I retaliated with the fact that he had never offered to leave a light on for me the countless number of times I have spent the night at his place and had to get up at 5 in the morning. I've stumbled and tripped over speakers, wires, shoes... and not once did he even offer to leave a light on for me. He responded that I had never asked. Of course I would never even think of asking because I would never leave a light on over night... and if he's so considerate, he should have offered without me having to ask. Right?

In between and after all that drama, he caught up to where I was in Oracle, and we finished reading the book together. Finally! It only took about 8 weeks for us to get through... and most of that was read within the first week that we had been dating. It was good in the end, and I will always have a connection with that book to the time I was dating the Israeli. After we finished the book, it was probably close to 1 in the morning, and I was tired. He wanted to fool around a bit, but I was still kind of irritated by the whole energy fight. He was very apologetic, and at one point while we were in mid make-out, he says to me, "there's something I want to tell you. I was going to write it down and leave in a note for you in the morning. Would you rather I tell you now?" In my head, I kind of freak out. My first thought is, oh no, he's going to tell me he loves me. And that's quickly followed by the thought of, or he's going to tell me he doesn't want to see me anymore when he gets back from California. So, of course I tell him that I want him to tell me. He says something along the lines of how I am such a caring and loving person, that if the warmth of my heart could be a light, he wouldn't need any electricity at all. Uhh... what? It was quite possibly the cheesiest thing a guy has ever said to me, and it was completely unexpected as well. I just kind of laughed and said, oh that was so sweet, thanks. He also told me that I can come over every night the week he gets back from CA, since we are both off until the following Weds. I think probably not. We went to sleep not long after that. He got up at 4 in the morning, and I walked him downstairs around 4:30. We said a quick and drowsy goodbye at the door (I was pretty much still sleeping), and that will be the last I will see of him until sometime next week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that "Yoooou light up my liiiiife" hahaha!