Wednesday, August 01, 2007

What do you value?

My friend and I flew home from Vegas Thursday night, and arrived early Friday morning, east coast time. During the flight, we boarded last, we couldn't find seats next to each other, so we had to sit across the isle from one another. This is fine, I had my new Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows to read, I was ready for a long plane ride to keep to myself. I sat next to what looked like a nice enough couple, and said hello. The woman saw me pull out my Harry Potter book and told me she had just finished reading it, and she loved it. The man, who I had yet to realize was not 100% there, repeated exactly the same thing his wife (?) had just said, except slower with a more affected speech, which at first I couldn't tell if it was just an accent.

His wife was very sweet and let me borrow her book light when it turned out my overhead light wasn't working. The man on the other hand continued to be creepy. He would sit there, sometimes with his sunglasses on, and just stare at me. He saw that my friend was engaged and asked her when she was getting married. She replied that the wedding was next summer, and his follow up question to that was "How big?" Any normal person would think he meant how big of a wedding, but no... he meant how big was the stone in her ring. And then he lost interest and went back to staring.

At one point the flight got a little bumpy, and I'm a bad flier. I was talking to my friend and then went back to my book. He was staring again, and I made the mistake of making eye contact. He was just staring at me, I got flustered and dropped the book light on the floor, he helped pick it up... and then the following conversation ensued (with no segue or pre-cursor), word for word... .
Creepy Man: What do you value? (keep in mind there is little to no inflection in his voice, and he's staring at me the ENTIRE time)
E: What?
CM: What do you value?
E: Um, do you mean like, in life?
CM: Yes.
E: Uh... (pause) I don't know, like family, friends, and happiness...? (My REAL answer is obviously sex, drugs, and money.)
CM: No.
E: That's wrong?
CM: Are you going to heaven?
E: (at this point, I'm wondering how crazy this man is, and if he's going to try to kill me on the plane, I look desperately at my friend who is trying very hard not to laugh) Um, I hope so. I guess... I think I'm a good person...
CM: If you follow these steps, you will make it to heaven. (he reaches into his fanny pack - oh yeah baby - and pulls out 2 little pamphlets about finding God)
E: (Handing one to my now near hysterical friend, taking the other pamphlet for myself) Oh. Awesome, Thanks.
CM: This is the ONLY way. All people are sinners unless they follow these steps. I know I am going to heaven. The only way you will know is if you follow these steps.
E: Yeah, Ok. That's great. (Quickly re-immersed myself in Harry Potter for the remainder of the flight.)

I had to keep the pamphlet for the entire time, because I didn't want him to see me throw it away. I used it as a bookmark for my Harry Potter book for the remainder of the time I was reading it. I like the irony.

During the landing, I made the mistake of trying to look out the window (I was on the aisle, so that meant I had to look past creepy man), but I made a point NOT to make eye contact. Did not matter. He was staring at me while I was looking at the window, and just said, "what?" I was flustered and really didn't want to talk to him at all anymore, so I just said, "I'm just looking at the window." and turned away. We disembarked quickly thereafter, and I managed any more awkward conversations with the creepiest man ever.

His wife, didn't say a word - the entire flight. She read for most of it, and if she did talk to her husband, it wasn't loud enough for me to hear. We talked about Harry Potter for a bit right when we landed because she wanted to know how far I was - and I obviously thanked her for allowing me to use her book light. I couldn't imagine a stranger pair.

August already? How did this happen? I have exactly 25 more days that I will be living in NYC. That's right... and my goal is have at least 5 more dates before I move. 3 are in the works, 2 shouldn't be too hard to plan. There's always craigslist.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

OH MAN! I would have totally told that guy off! I can't stand preachy people like that!!!! I like to argue with them and piss them off...tell them they're sinners and going to know..the fun stuff! haha! ;o)