Friday, August 10, 2007

What's love got to do with it?

I am feeling so conflicted right now. I am in the process of dating and seeing many people in the city, yet I have this connection to the Israeli that makes me want to leave all of that. He's been in contact a lot more in the past few weeks than he has been in the past 2 months. I got an email from him a few days ago where he told me that he wanted to cancel the Canada part of his trip so he could come back to New York and spend more time with me.

He's constantly telling me how much he misses me, and that he can't wait to see me. He was supposed to take a train ride cross country from Seattle to New York, and then spend his last 3 days with me in the city. He has now changed his plans, so he's going to fly into the city 2 and a half days early, and we end up having about 6 days total together. Still, 6 isn't that many. And I feel myself getting more and more attached.

I'm moving out of the city the day he flies home. My brother will come to the city that morning and the Israeli, my brother, and I will move out all of my furniture. This will be my last day, both in New York and with the Israeli, it's kind of fitting. The Israeli will fly out late that night, so we'll have the rest of the day once I'm all moved out. It's nice to have all this closure at once, I just fear that I will be a complete wreck.

We had a strange conversation tonight...
Israeli: i want to use some words...
Israeli: but don't know their effect
Me: i don't know what you mean
Isreali: well...
Isreali: maybe i'll tell you when i'll see you...
Me: hmm. ok. now I'm curious..
Isreali: yeah.. it's a good word... hopefully

and then later....

Isreali: I really really ____ you... so... it was good to know it's true
Me: ______ = miss?
Isreali: you'll have to wait for that one.....

Now, there are only a few words I can think of to fill in that blank. I don't know if I'm ready for what I think it is.


Debbie said...

I don't get the "it was good to know its true" part. What is that supposed to mean? True love?

Logan said...

Madlibs are fun.