Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Yeah, Yeah.

After a long week of car trouble, and spending more time than planned at my parent's house (although I guess I should get used to it... moving back there in a few weeks seems less appealing every day.), I finally managed to make it back to the city today and to go on a date.

I met this guy through match.com, and I believe I made the initial contact with him. It was a long time ago, I remember - I think I may have sent him a wink. He was attractive, and a children's librarian. Why not? So, we started emailing (and I swear this has been going for at least a month), but then I went to Vegas, and then he went to Maryland, and we couldn't find any common time. Tonight - at last - we met up for coffee (at the same cafe that I went to with the acupuncturist on one of our few dates). I thought the conversation would have gone a bit smoother, we should have had a lot to talk about. We both went to Rutgers - and we both transferred there from smaller schools in other states - and we're both librarians. That should be common ground enough.

We did have a long lengthy chat about Harry Potter. But I feel like I have to censor myself whenever I talk about the latest HP because I was talking about it with a friend on the train the other day, and we were talking about the ending, and I said "Oh in that part where ______ dies??" (Note: this is not a spoiler. You all know SOMEONE is going to die.) but on the train, I actually said the character's name. The woman sitting next to my friend was reading HP, and I could have potentially ruined it for her. I blame my friend for asking an unspecific enough question, but yes... I should've known better. So, long story, I just felt like I kept whispering when I would talk about all the "spoiler" parts of the book. It was an interesting conversation though. So as the librarian and I (or as the NY Times would call him, a "guybrarian") chatted, I realized that when he was engaged in the conversation he was very well spoken and intelligent, and I enjoyed our conversation. When I was talking about something unrelated to a topic he could really contribute to, or when I went off on a tangent (never!), his reply constantly was "Yeah, yeah." Sometimes it was a triplicate yeah. But there were a lot of yeahs being dropped.

I know it's important to show someone that you are paying attention, but this wasn't that kind of "yeah." This would come at the end of something I had said, and although not everything I say warrants a response, but SOME of the things I say do! I felt like I was constantly ending conversations on his "Yeah, yeah" and not know where to restart it, so I would ask an inane question or start another rambling monologue only to be followed up by a yeah.

We did manage to fill two hours of conversation, and then we decided it was time to leave. I didn't even get to see what he had been wearing until he stood up to go pay the bill (he had been sitting at the outdoor table when I arrived). There was an orange t-shirt (which looked fine and normal from the seated position - I'd even go as far as to say cute even), tucked into off white pants of a strange texture. I'd say they looked like corduroy texture, but not as heavy. Maybe a summer corduroy, do they make that? And belted, of course. Nothing completes a casual t shirt, white pant look better than a belt. But I think, clothes aside, he wasn't very comfortable in his own body. At least he didn't appear to be. He is really tall, like 6'3" or maybe 6'4" even, and gangly. He reminded me of my 15 year old cousin who just had a growth spurt and doesn't know how to work his arms and legs yet.

He walked me to the train, and on the way he asked me if I liked the Simpsons. I replied that I do, and he asked me if I had seen the movie yet, which I haven't. I really didn't see this as a set up for a second date, but I was wrong. He then said, well that sounds like a good idea for a second meeting. I gave him a very awkward hug which I think started out as a handshake, and then I wished him a happy birthday (it's his birthday tomorrow) and we parted ways.

Thinking about it, I wouldn't mind seeing him again. Actually I'd like to see if he loosens up after a few dates. He seems like he could be really cool once you get past the awkwardness. Yeah?

1 comment:

Debbie said...

The "Yeah Yeah Yeah" would be much better during sex ;o) haha!