Wednesday, April 25, 2007


The Israeli called me Monday night, around midnight. I was sleeping and pretty irritable from being woken up. He asked if he had woken me, I mumbled something incoherent, and I think he said he'd call me the next day.

He did. He called around 7:30 on Tuesday. He had just gotten home from work, and was anxious for me to come over. At one point while we were talking on the phone he actually said, ok, I'm getting off the phone because I want you to come over. I was doing some school work, so I took my time getting my stuff together to go to his place. He called me probably about 45 minutes later to ask where I was. Yeah. I was still at home, and really still not in any rush. I finally made it over there around 9 I guess.

The Israeli was very affectionate and cuddly from the moment I got there. We hung out on the couch, watched some basketball, and caught up on the week since we had seen each other last. He reminded me again that his mom is coming on Friday. I know. He tells me every time we talk. My parents are coming to visit on Saturday, and we're going to the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens and Coney Island. The Israeli said that he and his mom were going to be at the Botanic Garden on Saturday too, and maybe we could meet up there. Oh no. That would be awful, and way too boyfriendy. Actually, that's more than boyfriendy. My ex who I dated for over 2 years (and lived with) never had his parents meet my parents. I've never had my parents meet the parents of the guy I'm dating. Ever. That's too much of a serious step, especially for someone who is leaving in a few weeks.... and is NOT my boyfriend. I feel like I need to constantly remind myself of that fact.

After the basketball game was over, we chatted for a bit, ended up in his room... We were going to watch a movie, that never happened. I don't know why, but I felt myself getting kind of weepy/teary a few times during the night. I'm hoping it was just hormonal related emotions, but I think I need to face that I really will miss him once he is gone. We stayed in bed for a while, and it was a great time again. Each time is surprising to me. Around 11:30, we decided to shower and get ready for bed. We're chatting before bed, I was sitting on the couch and he brings me a book that he had ordered but knew that I wanted to read too. He told me I could read it first, which was really sweet. I thanked him, and then he told me that he ordered me something. What? I asked him clarify. He said that he bought me something, a present. I asked him what it was, but he only said it was a surprise and I'd have to wait. Sweet, I'm sure. I'm a little nervous though, and I haven't gotten him anything. I don't even really know when the last time I'll see him will be. I guess I should get him something though, now that I know he got me something. Oh dear.

We were going to sleep, about an hour later, and he says to me Layla Tov - goodnight in Hebrew - which is typical... until he added - Motek (sweetie.) I pretended I didn't know what Motek meant. It's the first time he had used that term with me. It's frustrating because I feel like he's getting more and more affectionate emotionally, as well as physically. And then he's going to leave.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't like the Israeli again. He waited too damn long to call you, and now he's calling you "sweetie" - not cool. He's playing the stupid Israeli game!