Tuesday, August 29, 2006

3 inches

I am finding it hard to write this post. Maybe it's because I am scared of jinxing a good thing (yes, that's very superstitious of me) ... or maybe good dates are just not all that interesting to write (and therefore read) about. I should be glad that the tone of my dates has been getting better towards the end of this long dating summer. Because the whole point of dating in the first place is not so you have good stories to tell your friends, although that is what my summer was really like.

Anyway, my date last night was good. I'd even go so far to say it was great... but then I'd really be pushing my luck there. I've managed to overcome my issues with dating guys that are a wee bit younger than me, but that's not my problem with this one. He's 2 years older. My problem here is that he's shorter than me. Everyone I've talked to has had the first reaction of "ssss" (that's the best phonetic spelling I can do of someone sucking in their breath, like when they've heard some really bad news) followed by.. well if you like everything else about him, it's not a big deal. No. It's not a big deal. I know that. But if it weren't such a big deal, why is everyone's first reaction one of disappointment? If this guy were about 3 inches taller, I would be completely smitten, no doubt in my mind. Why should a little thing (and 3 inches is a little thing...) bother me so much?

It was really gross weather yesterday, rainy and cold and really not August New York weather at all and then later turned into muggy humid sticky weather - which is more seasonal. I hated even thinking about having to dress up and drag myself into the city for a date. All I wanted to do was watch tv and nap (I was up late the night before at my (ex) roommates wedding and was frankly a little wiped out). But I had been really looking forward to this date. We had 2 phone conversations before the date that were longer than most phone conversations I ever have, even with friends. Because frankly after 3 hours on the phone, I run out of things to say (shocking, but yes, there are times where even I am at a loss.) So after 2 marathon phone conversations, I kind of thought... well what would we have to talk about in person? We met outside the Spring St. subway station in Soho (how's that for unintentional alliteration?) and he took me to a really lovely French (style?) restaurant. We both were trying to decide between the same two entrees, so we ordered both and decided to share. People who share well are automatically good people in my book. He also went on an ordering frenzy and got us a fabulous appetizer (I usually don't talk about food here in the dates, but the food was really spectacular) of warm goat cheese wrapped in pastry over a mixed green salad and then he ordered soup as well. The amount of food we consumed between the appetizers, soup, and entrees was astounding, but the food was amazing. Even better than the food was the conversation we had on the date. We didn't lull at all, and I didn't really think of it as being on a date. I felt like we interacted like a couple that had known each other for years and were very comfortable with one another. We talked more over coffee, and finally decided to walk around SoHo since the rain had stopped. We wandered around for a bit and then decided to stop in at a bar for some drinks. We had some beers, talked some more, laughed a lot. I'm not sure where the conversation came from, but neither of us seemed to be at a loss for words the entire night.

It was getting late, and he had to get home to get to sleep, so he walked me to the train, where we kind of stood there, neither of us really knowing how to end the night. There was the typical, I had a really good time - we should do this again - talk. He gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek, but to be honest it ended up on my neck actually. When he went to give me a hug he stood up on his tippy toes... now I'm taller than him, but by less than an inch, there was no need for tippy toe action. I teased him about that, and so he gave me another hug with no tippy toes this time. We kissed a bit, and then I got on the train to go home. I had that smiling to myself feeling the entire ride home, which is a sure sign of a good date.

If I don't hear from him again, I'd be very surprised and disappointed... but then again, maybe I should hold out for someone 3 inches taller?


Anonymous said...

why not just put out on the first date if you are that dangerous

Anonymous said...

i think that three inches is fairly inconsequential...i'd be surprised if he didn't call you but then there's nothing wrong with calling him either!!! btw: that's a creepy anonymous posted comment preceeding this one.

Anonymous said...

Aww yay! It sounds like you got some butterflies..that's always a great feeling :o) As for the height, eh whatever. Personally, I'm very self-conscious when a guy is shorter than I am, but if you had a great time with him and feel a connection, then who cares?!

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to the subway stalker? You should write a, "where are they now" entry.