Sunday, December 09, 2007


CK and I hung out on Friday night. We had talked earlier in the week about hanging out some time over the weekend, I was hoping more for Saturday night, since I had to be up REALLY early Saturday morning and didn't want to have to leave early Friday night. He invited me to go a movie screening of Japanese propaganda films that were created during WWII that were being screened at an art museum in recognition of D-Day. I wasn't so keen on the idea at first, I would have much rather hung out at his apartment, played some guitar hero and watch a movie (I'm a bit of a recluse in the winter), but I wanted to see him and he apparently really wanted to see these films.

I drove out to Philly to his apartment first, we had a nice reunion. We exchanged some holiday gifts, he bought me a beautiful Chinese fan that is hand painted, and I bought him some cocktail glasses that he had mentioned wanting once when we were out together and a large bottle of gin. (He really loves gin and tonic.) We didn't get to spend too much time catching up, I got to his apartment late and we were going to be late for the movies. While we were driving over to the museum, my front passenger tire started to feel very flat. I had noticed it at first when I was driving into the city, and thought that I should check it out once I got to CK's place, but I was running late and it slipped my mind altogether. I was stressing (and probably freaking out a bit) about the thought of having a flat tire so soon after getting my car, not to mention that my tires are probably 3x the cost of a regular tire, due to the drug dealer/pimped out look my car is striving for. CK was really amazing about being reassuring and calming me down. We drove all over Philly trying to find a gas station. Apparently, there are very few gas stations in the city, but we finally found one. CK totally took charge and checked my tire gauge, and filled my flat with air. He then proceeded to check the rest of my other 3 non-flat tires, which I thought was pretty awesome - considering we were late for the movies at this point.

We made it to the museum a little bit after 8, and only missed one of the political cartoon shorts, but caught most of the second one and all of the movie. His friend and his girlfriend were meeting up with us there, but they got there later than we did and ended up sitting on the opposite side of the theater. We cuddled and all that good stuff throughout the film, and he was being extremely affectionate. After the first movie, there was a short intermission, so we met up with his friend and girlfriend then. I for some reason did not feel as comfortable around this friend as I had CK's other friends that I met before Thanksgiving. They were more hipster-ish, and not that I don't like that, I just always feel so plain and mainstream (and I totally am!) when I'm around super hipsters. I was completely awkward, but CK was a little awkward too, so it was ok. We debated on whether or not to stay for the second film. I was exhausted at that point, and knew I'd pass out during the movie if we stayed, and CK felt the same way. But for some reason, we stayed anyway. And true to our word, we both fell asleep during the movie - my head on his shoulder and his head on mine, we were out cold. The movie wasn't very good anyway, it was American propaganda about an American raised Samurai who, in not so many words, was responsible for D-Day.

Back at his place afterwards, I knew I shouldn't stay too late or else I'd have to stay the entire night and get up at 5am. After a cup of tea and a lot of making out, I opted for the latter. We were up for most of the night, and I got less than 2 hours of sleep before I had to get up and leave. He was going to get up with me at 5:30, but I told him that was silly, and I'd be able to let myself out. He didn't argue with that one. He texted me later in the day, and we were texting back and forth throughout the day. I hoped that I'd see him Saturday night too, but he texted me at 12:40 in the morning that he had just gotten up from a nap and was going out then. I had passed out on my couch around 10:30 or so, so that was not an option for me.

There was something different about the way we were together on Friday, and even with the texts on Saturday. It felt more like a relationship, but there's still so much uncertainty. My options are still open, I'm just not finding anything else I want to pursue at this time.


Logan said...

I drove by on Saturday night and saw the car, it's pretty fly.

Debbie said...

When you said "His friend and his girlfriend," I totally thought you meant that he brought his Canadian gf out with you guys. I was like WTF?! HAHA!