Saturday, December 22, 2007

All over the place.

The holidays are here, and this is the first time in over 3 years that I've been dating someone long enough to actually consider celebrating the holidays with them. That being said, CK and I have no holidays plans. As Jews, the perfect Christmas really is Chinese food and the movies, like all the Jews in the area do, but CK is working on Xmas. Yeah, he worked on Thanksgiving too. I don't know what is up with that. I'm pretty sure there is no way he gets paid enough money for all this working to be worth it. We may hang out on Christmas Eve, and possibly tomorrow night as well.

We hung out last Wednesday. I know I'm way behind on the posts, but really I'm getting to the point where there is little new, and not much to say. Wednesday was the day I finished my grad program, for good. I was ridiculously over worked, stressed out, and under-slept... this combination made me overly affectionate. It was a good time, we were supposed to go to dinner, we never made it. We played guitar hero, made out, drank beer, ate cake, and I spent the night. The end. Oh, and he cleaned his apartment... however I suspect that wasn't for my benefit. Thanks to a little facebook research (that's what us librarians - yes, I'm official now - call internet stalking), I've discovered that the BFPE will be in the area very soon. I'm not sure when she arrives, or how long she will be here, or where she is staying even... but she's on her way. CK has not mentioned it, nor has he stopped making plans with me in the meantime. I have a feeling she may be here still over New Year's. If he does choose to spend the new year with her, well then I guess I'll have to kill her, and face that this relationship really isn't going anywhere. There's so little to say on the matter because really all of my information is based on one-sided facebook comments. The end may be near, and that's ok. My friend in Brooklyn is trying to set me up with this guy. Bonuses - he's tall and jewish. Not so bonus - he lives in Connecticut and is 25. Haven't met him yet... that will happen sometime after the new year.

In relationship news - 2 of my good friends have just recently gotten engaged. One just this past Wednesday while I was at CK's, and the other a few weekends ago. I can't believe I'm of that age where everyone is getting married around me. I'm so happy for my friends of course, but part of me feels miles behind where I should be in the grand scheme of things. I checked my holiday card list, and of all the cards I sent only 4 were to people not in a relationship. Yikes.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

No worries...I am one of those four ;o)