Thursday, November 08, 2007

movie theaters, mix tapes, and more action.

It has been one month since my first date with CK. I'm surprised how long this has lasted, especially because I didn't have any great expectations of this ever working out. To be honest, I still don't, but that's because of the BFPE, more on that later.

On Tuesday night, CK and I had plans to go see a movie. We were originally going to see an earlier show, but plans changed and we had to see a later showing instead. Since the movie wasn't until 9:30, we had some time before to kill. I went over to his place around 8ish, and he cooked up some (frozen - not homemade) samosas with a mango chili sauce, they were quite delicious. We talked about his upcoming trip to China, work, and life in general, but nothing about BFPE. We drank some gin and tonics and played some guitar hero as well. Which I have to say, I'm getting a little better at, I still suck, but not AS bad. When I got there I gave him cds (not mix tapes!) of 2 bands that I thought he would like, and he gave me a mix cd. Awww. Yes, my first mix from a guy since my boyfriend I broke up with over 3 years ago. It's a good mix from what I've listened to so far. A good blend of indie rock and bands I haven't heard of, so far I'm liking what I hear. I am NOT going to read into any of the songs that are on it, because it's just a mix of good music he thinks I'd like (however, if I were to make him a mix cd, I wouldn't put any songs on there that had questionably romantic lyrics - but I'm not reading into it!).

We walked over to the movie theatre around 9, and almost missed the show because we did get lost walking there. He bought the tickets and I bought the popcorn and drinks, a good compromise. The movie was great. We cuddled in the seats (even though they weren't the movie theater "cuddle seats" that have the arm rest that raises between the seats - he tried), and the movie itself was really enjoyable. My only complaint is he's kind of a loud movie talker. He hasn't seemed to master the art of whispering, or it just doesn't occur to him that not everyone in the theater wants to hear his thoughts or comments. But that can be changed, hopefully.. or maybe movie theater dates will be taken out of our repertoire.

The movie ended around 11:30, and we walked back to his place. He invited me to come up, and I knew if I was going to go up that late, I wouldn't be coming back down that night. Now I had already figured that I might be staying the night, so I had packed clothes in my car, just in case. I didn't want him to know that though, so I left them there. Once back in his apartment, we fell back into comfortable make-out habits, kissing and not much else. I wasn't going to spend the night just to kiss a guy, so things needed to move to the next level. He did ask me if I wanted to stay over and I pretended to think about it and eventually agreed. We moved the making out to the bedroom, and I was SURE things were going pick up speed then. But then we just cuddled and went to bed. Eventually there was some removal of clothing, and things did progress. We still have not had sex, which is fine by me, because he still has a girlfriend. There were a couple of points in the evening that I thought about bringing it up, and I do think about it more often than I did before.

Things I noticed:
  • He called me "babe" - now this reminds me of the jdate for jesus guy, but CK pulled it off in a much better way. It wasn't out of place, but it is new.
  • He told me he wants me to meet his friends.
  • He told me he was going to miss me when I'm in Boston this weekend (where I am now!) and I assured him that 5 days is not that long, and he will be in China for much longer. He agreed.
  • He texted me in the morning after I left telling me he was glad I stayed over.

All of these things made me smile, and left me feeling good about the date Tuesday night. So what now? The BFPE needs to go. This is my next mission, and I am thinking about asking him to dinner on Monday night when I get back to get this out of the way. If that one factor was not in the picture (literally - her picture is still on the wall, staring me down every time I kiss her boyfriend), I'd be on cloud 9. But this little detail is keeping me grounded in this situation and I want to resolve it. I don't think I want to give him an ultimatum, her or me, because I think I'm afraid he'll choose her. Every time I think about saying something I picture the conversation happening exactly the way it did a year ago with D. So for now, I'm going to enjoy my vacation in Boston, and leave the BFPE in Philly to be dealt with at a later date and time.


Debbie said...

A mix tape! HAHA! We were JUST talking about that - how strange!!! Hope you have a fun trip this weekend..I'll be here..doing shows...naked ;o) heh heh!

Anonymous said...

erica, you (and all women) deserve an honest, straightforward, monogamous relationship. i think it's utterly fair--in fact, absolutely necessary--that you make it clear that you're not comfortable with his having a long-distance girlfriend while he's dating you, and that it's important that he resolve that in the very near future. if you're really afraid that he'll choose her, it's best to just get this out of the way--no sense in prolonging a relationship with a man who will not give you the respect you deserve (and which he knows you deserve).

Logan said...

Chowdah, lobstah.