Saturday, October 07, 2006

I Care.

Well. I decided to make one last ditch effort with the 3" guy before continuing on with my dating life. I know, I know. I should cash in my chips while I'm ahead. But I was never good at gambling, and I'm even worse at this whole dating thing. Only when I really like the guy. So, the 3" guy has been giving me the run-around for a solid 3 weeks now since our last date. Ok. We've emailed, and such, and he might be interested in me. But at this point, probably not. It's been way too long without even so much as a phone conversation. I mean there's only so much you can convey through an email. My hunch is he's dating a lot of people right now, maybe like where I was, oh, about 2 months ago... and doesn't NOT like me, but I'm not worth cutting off his dates with the rest of the NYC population.

I understand that. I was there. I dated a lot of guys that were nice enough, that I would've gone out with again, but my dating schedule didn't really allow for seconds. I barely had enough time for the firsts. You lose track of these things.

But... Because I like this guy, I did something really stupid. I signed up to be on his NY Cares volunteer team for NY Cares Day in 3 weeks. In fairness, he invited me to. But I probably should have bowed out of this one gracefully. Yeah, because I REALLY want to go to a much more privileged school than the one I teach at, and help them "clean it up" and make it a "better" place. Please. That's what I do, day in and day out at my job. It's a good cause, and I really believe in what NY Cares does for public schools, and for the city, I just wish they would choose schools that really had a need for it, maybe one more like the school I teach at. But no, I'm going to be getting up at the crack of dawn on a Saturday to fix up a city school. Wait.. did I say city school? I mean I guess technically Staten Island IS part of the city, but it requires me to either drive there, or take the subway into Manhattan, and then take a bus BACK through Brooklyn into Staten Island. And won't I just look like the prettiest picture of desperation this side of the city has seen in a long time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sooo, how did the date go???? Actually, I have a story for you...I had a date yesterday ;o)