Wednesday, September 27, 2006

All but gone...

The summer is just about all but gone, and the memories of my dates are fading fast. Most of them it takes me a few minutes just to even remember their names. I can recall some details, and some guys are lost completely. There are 2 of my dates who keep blogs that I have found and check on occasion. One was the one who blogged about our date, as I did, and there's not too much going on in his blog. The other blogger I found was the guy who I knew WAY too much about before the date. So, occasionally, I'll pop on over to his blog, see if anything interesting is going on. I noticed though that his profile was down. Not the blog itself, the blog is still accessible - but his name (which wasn't his real name, but the handle he used for his email...). So, anyway, because my curiosity was peaked, I did the same google search that allowed me to find his blog in the first place. Hmm. Interesting. Gone. I can't find his blog by using the same search I used just a month ago.

This leads me to wonder if he found MY blog (remember: I did the same google search using my email handle, and the blog does in fact come up...) saw that I was able to find his blog and thus removed that from being searched. Wow. And to think my little blog may have impacted the blog of another. I feel honored. almost.

There are some dates in the works. Maybe there'll be some new material soon...


Mark Osler said...

Interesting blog. My best date ever was in NYC. I came down from Connecticut, she came up from Philly, and we met at dusk on a December Friday. There is one thing I remember best-- we went skating and a little bit of snow came down. She was a brave skater, though maybe not a great one, and I love boldness. She ran into a kid and they both toppled over and laughed; I rushed over to help her up. The light was just right, there was a little bit of snow in her dark hair, and her eyes had the sharpness and glitter of the snowflakes. It was the purest glimpse of beauty I have had.

Anonymous said...

You are a blog stalker!!! And who is Mark Osler? Hmmm...another blog stalker...maybe you guys should meet up ;o) teehee!