Thursday, June 29, 2006

Why Don't We Get Drunk...

Because last night's date remains slightly fuzzy in my brain from certain points on... I will do my best to do this date justice.

I had made the original contact with this guy, had asked him out on the date, picked the bar (dark and romantical - as per his request...) and had a good feeling about this guy. I spent the hour before the date on the phone with a friend, getting ready, and completely losing all my nerve. Boy called at 9, to tell me he was leaving w'burg and hopping in a cab to meet me here. We were supposed to meet 20 minutes later. The bar is literally 3 doors down from my apartment. I made sure I left my apartment 20 minutes later, and peered down towards the bar... no sign of the boy outside. My roommate was just getting home and stayed outside with me for a good 10 minutes as we scoped out the scene. There's no way it would have taken half an hour to get from W'burg to downtown Brooklyn... but there was no one waiting outside. Maybe he's inside, and I just missed him getting there. I walk down to the bar, and sure enough there is my date, who had been waiting.. clearly for at least 15 minutes. Damn.

The date went smooth enough, easy conversation, laughs, and the (eventual) downfall... lots of beer. Well, to be honest, I only had 3 pints. Which isn't an extreme amount. I had a beer before I left the apartment with my dinner, so a total 4 beers over the course of 4-5 hours, shouldn't have affected me as strongly as it did. In hindsight, I researched the beers I had been drinking to see why I was a drunk as I was... the beer I drank at home, Brooklyn's Monster Ale is 10.8% alcohol by volume... which is double the alcohol by volume of your typical lager... Ok. so really, I had 2 beers before I left the apartment.. just more compact. So, ok, 5 beers. That helps make more sense of how I got so drunk.

I wasn't sloppy drunk. Just a lot less inhibited drunk. And let's call a spade, a spade. It was my last day of my first year teaching, there is no reason for me NOT to get drunk! I'm sure he could tell I've had more than I am capable of handling. He had more than I did at the bar, and had a few at a barbecue before we met up, so he admittedly was buzzed as well.

After a few hours of good drink and even better conversation (isn't everything more interesting when you're drunk though?), Boy leans over and kisses me, at the bar. It was a good kiss. We kiss some more at the bar... I'm not completely comfortable about making out with a stranger in public, but he was cute and we were off to the corner of the bar, so it wasn't so bad. I happened to mention that I lived relatively close to the bar (an understatement, I practically live on top of the bar). And I did something that I very rarely do on a date... I brought Boy back to my apartment. I am blaming the alcohol level and the fact that I knew I wouldn't see him again for at least 2 weeks, I can roll two dates into one, right? I have poor judgment when I'm drunk. Hell, I have poor judgment when I'm sober... There's no excuse for that. So we're in my apartment. Things happen. I didn't sleep with him, not for lack of his trying though. He kept saying how he never does things like that on a first date... which I don't know if I believe. I rarely do things like that on a first date, but I don't feel the need to go around telling him that. The fact that I was doing it right then, doesn't really matter if I do it on other dates or not, right? He left around 2 am, and said I should call him when I get back from my vacation. We'll see.

If I could separate the dates into 2 parts, I could rate them both separately. Part 1 at the bar was a drunken 8. It might have been better had I not gotten so drunk, or who knows maybe it would have been worse. Part 2 - making out at my apartment... hmm.. maybe a 6. It wasn't bad. It just was kind of awkward and weird. And I don't know that had I not been drunk things would have gotten that far. The date average is an 7, which is better than some of the others in my dating history. So now, the waiting game. I am going away for 2 weeks, and it may be a good thing to wait it out and just email him when I get back.

Next date - Who knows.. those Peruvian men are supposed to be wonderful lovers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooh I want to see a Peruvian Boy Blog! That would be great! I hope you have fun with a hot Peruvian boy, or at least get a Peruvian stalker, so you can blog about it! haha :o) I'll miss you LOTS! xoxoxo!