Sunday, June 18, 2006

And the award for the fewest words spoken on a date goes to...

There are reasons why movies do not make good first dates. The front runner being that there is absolutely no venue to talk and get to know the other person. Sometimes, this is a lifesaver! If I had gone to the movie with the boring lawyer, maybe the date wouldn't have been so bad. However, tonight, I should have said no (there it is again... I must learn how to say that word!) to my date's offer to go to the movies.

I was supposed to go on a Jdate tonight with this guy that I have been emailing/IMing with for a while. He lives in Philly and normally I wouldn't even get involved with someone that lives 2 hours away. But I knew that I'd be at my parents house a bit this summer, who knows, could be fun. Anyway, I wasn't sure if I was going to come home this weekend or not, so he made other plans... long story short, the date didn't happen.

That however, did not stop me from finding another date for my Saturday night. Before today, I never realized how incredibly simple it is to get a date. I decided around noon that I wanted to go out tonight, and not out with friends, but on a date. So I posted an ad on craigslist, and voila... I had a date for tonight. Now because this was a spontaneous date there wasn't much communication before hand. Brief emails, he sent me his myspace page so I could see his pictures, a short phone call to sum up plans, and I was out the door to meet my date at the movies. I left 45 minutes before I had to be there, since I had to drive out to PA to get to the theater, but it shouldn't have take me that long. There was traffic, and I was freaking out... and I showed up about 5 minutes before the movie started. He had already bought the tickets, and we walked into the theater just as the previews were starting. We had maybe some brief introductory talk, I apologized for being late and keeping him waiting (even though I had called to let him know I was stuck in traffic), and then the movie started. So, I sat through an entire movie next to someone I didn't know at all. At times I actually had to remind myself that the person sitting next to me was in fact my date for the evening, and at one point I actually struggled to remember what his name was! After the movie, we made some small talk about what we liked about the movie... then he went to his car, and I went to mine. I thanked him for the movie, and that was it. Probably the fewest amount of words ever said on a date. I think I've already written much more about the date than was actually said on the date. But for a last minute impromptu date, not bad. I've definitely been on worse!

Updates on previous posts:
Subway guy has been calling. A lot. 3 times in one day, even when I don't pick up the phone! Today he only called 2 times though. He's called every day this week, except Weds. Weird.

Tire guy has kind of disappeared. Which sucks. I emailed him on Sunday after our Friday meeting, thanking him for changing my tire, asking how his weekend was, and suggesting that we possibly meet up for a drink later in the week. He IMed me on Monday, saying that he was really busy this week, but we should hang out and he'd call once he knew his schedule. Whatever that means, I haven't heard from him since. Thinking about emailing him again, or catching him on IM (makes me feel like I'm trapping him!). So far he's the only one that I want to see again, I'm not going to let it go that easily.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And the one word of the day is: awkward! hahaha! So, what movie didya see? Hope the movie was better than the date ;o)