Thursday, December 24, 2009

'Twas the Night Before Christmas.

In most Christmas Eves past, I've spent the night as most Jews do... Chinese food, maybe a movie, but not this year. This year I decided to go on a date.

If you've been reading this for a while, you might remember the date I went on years ago, that I couldn't even blog about it was so bad... I had my roommate blog about it for me. So tonight's date is up there with that one. I should trust my instincts with people I date. I'm usually dead-on, even before I meet them. Tonight I went out with the guy that I talked with on the phone and his voice didn't match up to what his pictures looked like... well, in person, his pictures didn't really match what he looked like either. Now, to be fair, I think I only saw one or two pictures of him, and they were just of his head. Let me also say that while I think physical attraction is important, I'm not one who puts a lot of stock in looks. I think that looks can be easily trumped by a great personality, unfortunately that will not be the case with this guy. I knew from talking on the phone our connection wasn't going to be that strong. When he suggested going bowling for our date tonight, I thought it was a great idea. It would require less talking, and it's something different to do on Christmas Eve. There was awkwardness abounding at the bowling alley, and even the activity couldn't save this one.

I could blog about the lack of conversation, or how the conversation we had was really forced and hard to hold up, how uncomfortable I was the entire time, and I should really stop going out with guys when I don't feel a connection before hand. But it's Christmas, and who wants to read about that? There was nothing especially awful about the date, and he was perfectly nice. I just have a hard time relating when I can't have a good conversation. 3 long bowling games, some pizza and soda later, I was on my way back home. The date clocked in at just under 3 hours, and there will not be a 2nd date.

So instead of visions of sugar plums and fairies dancing through my head tonight, I'm watching (500) Days of Summer, again. Love it, and for now, this is enough.

Updates: 2nd date with the Google guy will be this weekend, 1st date with a guy I'm looking forward to meeting on Sunday, 2nd date with Phillies writer on Weds. Busy week of dates.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

When it comes to pictures, if it is only a headshot, be wary.. There is probably a reason!