Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Me + A Date (x 8)

I know it's been quite a while since there have been any really exciting dates to post. But there has been absolutely nothing going on in the dating frontiers... until recently. I have not one, not two, but 8 potential dates coming up in the next month or so. Yes. I said EIGHT. I'm having a hard time keeping track of these guys, and to make matters worse they all these super generic names, so I have to come up with nicknames for them early.

First up, should be this weekend. Phillies writer, Jewish (oh wait, out of the eight potentials... THREE are Jewish), we've been communicating for a while, and our schedules have not been easy to match. It seems like this weekend is the weekend though that it will actually happen. My only reservation are his pictures, on the post prior to this one, I mentioned the guy who used his picture from 2 years ago as his main picture... that's this guy. But I'm giving him a go, especially since he will actually fill my Jewish quota of the year (he'll be the first Jewish guy I've gone out with since CK.) That was my goal. Go out with at least ONE Jewish guy before New Year's. And if this works out on Friday, I'm set. Goal met. If not, I'm going out for Mexican food with friends, and have two more Jews in the wings... so I'm PLANNING on making this happen, however it works out.

In other news, I'm having dinner with the guy who lives with his ex on Thursday. I'm not really sure why at this point. I haven't seen in almost 3 weeks, we haven't actually made out in almost a month... really... So our communication is minimal, barely texting once a day, maybe an IM here or there. I'm going to dinner because we have these movie tickets from a month ago, that we should use, and I'm alright with hanging out with him. I'd like to see if we can re-establish the friendship. If not, then there will be nothing left to do at this point. Life is too busy for both of us, so maybe a friendship isn't in the cards either.

So a busy next few days, dating wise. I'm hopeful for all my eight, generically named dates that are in the works, even if only half of them turn into actual dates. 4 is better than none! And just like that, it's dating season again


Unknown said...


Curious.....when is it not dating season? :)

Debbie said...

You should have 1 date for each night of Chanukah ;-)