Monday, November 02, 2009

Seeking: NJB

Ever since I've been working as the youth group advisor for USY, people have been asking me if I'm doing it to meet an Nice Jewish Boy. Well, it's not the REASON I took the job, but I wouldn't be opposed, that's for sure. After countless disappointing years on and off Jdate, I kind of wrote off the whole Jewish guy thing. I'm not particularly religious, and wouldn't want to be with someone who kept kosher (me +bacon = goodness, also me + cheesesteak, and shellfish, and everything else that is not kosher) or went to synagogue all the time (not a fan), but someone who I didn't have to explain the rituals of having gefilte fish on Passover, and how it doesn't actually taste as bad as it looks, but I wouldn't hold it against them if they didn't eat it... I don't eat Matzoh Balls, so I lose some points there, I guess. But, ever since I've been resubmerged in the Jewish culture through the USY position, I've realized that it is something that is important to me, at least culturally. Judaism is hard because it's part religion and part culture. You can be culturally Jewish without being religious, and this is something I have a hard time balancing.

I'm a spiritual person. I believe in something greater than myself, and do think there are such things as fate & destiny (no eye rolling please... at least not to my face!) :) I would like to eventually marry someone who is Jewish, I think, and I think whenever I meet someone on match who is, that person becomes automatically more appealing to me regardless of whether or not I would be interested in them if they weren't Jewish. Not to mention my grandmothers like to put it on me that I'm their absolute last hope of a grandchild marrying someone who is Jewish. Nothing like good Jewish grandmother guilt! But regardless, it's always something I saw for myself, but I haven't been actually seeking that out in the guys I date.

Maybe it should be a new year's resolution, a little early, for 2010. Date more Jewish guys. And to help me get there... or if anyone is looking for a Hanukkah present for me, this calendar should suffice. Seriously people, the holidays are right around the corner! :)

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Ok...just looked at the calendar. DEAR LORD! Those boys are quite the stereotypical Jewish guys! haha! I know what you mean though...about relating better to Jewish guys...feeling more connected to them. Though I'm obviously not very religious (even less so than you), I still feel that!