Saturday, February 24, 2007

Missing Me

With the exception of happy hour on Tuesday night and last night, I realized that my entire vacation was spent in the company of boys.

Thursday I spent the majority of the day in the library, supposed to be doing my paper that is due on Tuesday. But really I was alternating between not wanting to see the Israeli and being really mad that I hadn't heard from him since I dropped him off on Monday after our trip to AC - and really I was chalking it up to I would probably not hear from him anytime this week.

After I wasted about 4 hours in the library, supposedly working, I was packing up my stuff getting ready to go home to go out for dinner - when who should call? The Israeli of course. I just made plans for dinner, and I felt ok at that point about not seeing the Israeli. He must have sensed it, and called. He asked me if I wanted to come over after his Hillel event that night, and because I'm a sucker... I said yes. I had plans to see another friend very early the next morning, so I had to reschedule that for later in the afternoon. As I realized that my schedule was jam packed for at least the next 24 hours, I wished that I hadn't wasted those 4 hours at the library doing absolutely nothing.

Dinner was nice. It was good to see an old friend and catch up after many years. I was home around 9:30, with just enough time to hang out with my roommate a bit and get ready before I was supposed to see the Israeli at 10. He was supposed to call me around 10 when his event was over. By 11:30 when he still hadn't called, I was irritated. There is nothing I hate more than waiting around for someone to call, when I could be doing other things... like sleeping. So finally, at 11:30 - I called him. He was still at Hillel, and I can't be mad, because he did say sometime AFTER 10... which 11:30 is clearly after 10. I would have liked a phone call or text to let me know that it was going to be MUCH after 10, but I guess I can't be that picky with a guy I'm only kind of, sort of dating. I picked him up from Hillel to save the time he would've had to spend walking home and me waiting at his apartment. A good deal for both of us. For it being so late, he was wide awake and full of energy when I came to get him. We went back to his place and hung out talking, reading, watching some tv, making out and stuff. It's funny because when I don't see him for a few days, I don't think much about it, but he's always telling me how much he misses me. He doesn't call me or let me know in any way that he misses me. But it's always one of the first thing he says is that he missed me.

I think the problem is since he is leaving in a few months, I am trying my hardest to find things about that I don't like which in turn keeps me from REALLY liking him. So I spend a lot of time fixating on his "Israelisms" which are a complete turn off for me. Which doesn't make for a very good relationship right now, because it's a hard task to fixate so much on the things you don't like about a person when you are trying to have any sort of relationship with them.

Thursday night was really fun, and I had a great time as usual... but the little things are creeping up on me all the time. I really don't know how he feels about any of this, I doubt he even thinks about it. Well, except for the fact that he is always missing me. Ha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! The Israeli sounds like Derek now! Derek doesn't call me for long periods of time, and then randomly contacts me, says he wants to see me THAT day/night, and tells me how much he misses me. Oy! Men!