Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Eggs in a Basket

About a week ago, I put all my eggs in one basket and told the Israeli that we wouldn't date anyone else, 4 days later he tells me that he's leaving sooner than he thought, and doesn't know that he wants any "responsibility" (read: commitment) his last 4 months here. I asked him what does he want to do then, about us? He didn't know. So where does that leave me?

Yesterday was the Israeli's birthday. He turned 26. It's funny because before we met he had told me that he was already 26, and on our first date, somehow the topic of birthdays came up. I told him mine was in September, and asked when his was. He told me his was in a few weeks, so I replied, Oh you'll be 27? To which he responded, no 26. He explained that since he was turning 26 so soon, he felt that he could just round up, he was almost 26 anyway. A-men to that. I completely agree... and have been guilty of the very same thing. I start rounding up my age towards the end of July. And I get grief for it from most of my friends who know about it. It's amusing that I've found someone who does the same.

Anyway, what can you do for someone that you've been dating barely a week on their birthday? Not much. He had a ski trip all day with his job anyway and did not get back to Brooklyn until late. I had gotten him a friendly card (nothing romantic at all about it), and made him a cd (how very high school of me!), also I gave him a book of mine that he had mentioned that he wanted to read and these earbud things for the headphones that I used to use, but stopped because I kept loosing the earbud piece and they hurt my ears. Anyway, he had lost one of his earbuds, and you really can't use the headphones without them. So I gave him my used ones. It was seriously the most hand-me-down birthday present I ever gave someone. He seemed to appreciate the gesture though.

I got to his apartment not until just after midnight, and he was exhausted from skiing. I gave him his gift but wasn't sure if I was going to be spending the night or not. I kept my coat and bag on the entire time I was there, while we were talking. And we talked for quite a while. I started heading over to the door, to leave, around 12:45ish, because if I wanted to get any sleep, I'd want to be home by 1. He says to me, "you know you can sleep here." I reply, "I know... but I have to get up early... and you don't." His response was that if I did sleep over we were going to SLEEP and nothing else. Ok, fine by me. So I got my clothes that I had brought with me for work the next day out of my car (I brought them just in case...), and we went to bed. We stayed up talking for a while, and then eventually we fell asleep. And, true to his word, all we did was sleep, and nothing else. I woke up early for school, and he slept in. I didn't want to wake him, so I slipped out without saying goodbye. I didn't like leaving that way, but he was sleeping and it would have been selfish of me to wake him.

The whole night felt very platonic with the exception of a few kisses, here and there. I feel like he may be pushing this further into this direction because of the whole 4 month thing. But I don't want platonic for 4 months, but I don't want to have this discussion yet either. I have no idea when I am going to see him next.

The acupuncturist called me on Sunday night, and caught me a little off guard when he asked me to go to dinner with him on Valentine's Day. I shouldn't be surprised, this coming from the guy who brought a dozen roses to our first date. I said yes, even though I knew I shouldn't. I am going to go, even though I shouldn't. But, I have no idea where the Israeli is at right now with his intentions and his feelings, so maybe I should move all those eggs I just put in one basket and re-distribute them amongst the willing participants again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm..this is tough. I don't think there is anything wrong w/you going out with the accupuncturist though. Israeli finked out on you and sounds like he's on the "let's just be friends" page now. I don't know though.