Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Conversation Hearts

What is Valentine's Day like in like the life of a serial dater? It was really boring, but in a good way. I was hoping for some drama, some picking and choosing. But no, the Israeli made that really easy for me last night when he called me to tell me that he doesn't celebrate Valentine's Day, and not to even expect a phone call. Ok, maybe that was not the exact reason of his call. But he did mention it.

I had already scheduled the date with the acupuncturist, who I hadn't seen in almost 3 weeks before tonight. He had told me that he'd text me today to let me know where and when we were meeting up for the date. I went into the date with very little to no expectations. Truth be told, my heart really just wasn't in it. I mean, I know I liked him before I met the Israeli, but I feel like once I met the Israeli - I couldn't fathom anything else. We were pretty intense pretty fast, so I guess it's natural that it fades that fast too.

I met up with the Acupuncturist in the Village around 7:30. It was snowy and cold, but overall a nice night. He had a dozen roses for me, again. And this time though, I was very appreciative of them right away and didn't look at them like they were alien babies like I did last time. We walked to the restaurant, a cute Italian place not far from the train. Once we got to dinner and were seated, he produced a box of Godiva chocolates as well. I was a little flustered at first. As we sat down, and I was settling with my large puffy winter coat, a dozen flowers, and my bag on the chair next to me, I turned to him, and he has a small-ish square box out in front of him, which in the dark light looked eerily like a jewelry box. He says, here this is for you too. And I sighed with relief once I realized that it was chocolates, and not something more intense. Hey, you never know from a guy who brings a dozen roses on the first date. I felt pretty guilty because I had bought him nothing. But then again, what do you buy a guy you barely know for Valentine's Day? I thanked him graciously, and that was that.

While we were waiting for dinner, I commented on how I like drawing on paper tablecloths, and was disappointed that the restaurant had not provided any drawing utensils. The acupuncturist quickly produced a pen and I began doodling and drawing all over the table. I really can be such a child sometimes. I commented on how I had never seen his handwriting, and he should write something down on the table so I could see it. He wrote down his favorite quote on the table, and has the most amazing handwriting I've ever seen. I know, that's so geeky of me, to like a guy's handwriting... but I really had never seen such beautiful handwriting just written so casually. Dinner came, we ate, talked... dinner was over, I drew on the table some more. It was nice, and I remembered why I liked him in the first place. There was one moment though, that my phone rang while we were eating dinner, where I thought briefly, oh, I wonder if that's the Israeli - and maybe he changed his mind and wants to see me tonight. It was a fleeting thought, and soon found out it was my parents calling me to thank me for the card I sent. I wish that I hadn't wanted it to be the Israeli while I was on the date with acupuncturist. But I couldn't help it, and it passed quickly.

After dinner, we walked over to a very cool bookstore I had never been to before. They had books that are basically publisher's remnants, and had books at very cheap/reasonable prices. It was a very cool store, and that alone would have made my evening - no flowers, no candy, just an awesome new bookstore for me to spend too much money in. He did corner me a bit in the bookstore and kissed me. Which was nice, and caught me a little off guard too. I had thought because of the public nature of the date, I would be free from worry about kissing him. Since the Israeli and I are still up in the air, I didn't know if what I was doing was wrong or not. I went with it, it would be too hard to explain at that point, why I couldn't kiss him. So I did, and it was nice.

We stayed at the bookstore until they closed and we walked to the train together. He took the train uptown, and I took it down. He kissed me again in the subway station, before we each parted and went our own ways.

The whole train ride home I was trying to weigh pros and cons of the acupuncturist and the Israeli. Pros for the acupuncturist - he's sweet, romantic, NOT leaving the country in 4 months... Cons for the acupuncturist - he's a bit awkward/shy in conversation, timing/scheduling conflicts (although I may be partly responsible for that on purpose...) Israeli pros - cute, funny, smart, likes to read (with me), great chemistry... ok I could go on. Cons for the Israeli - leaving in May, may only want to be my friend.

No plans with anyone yet coming up. I have the entire week off next week..Yay for mid-winter break! The college kid (mini-D) wants to hang out... I did tell him I want to be friends, he's clearly taking me up on that. He called me today too, to wish me a happy Valentine's Day. It was sweet. He's a nice kid. But that's what he is though... a kid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the VDay card! I got it today and it's so cute! I'm glad you had fun on your date - at least you can say you had a date on V-Day..better than me! haha!