Thursday, February 08, 2007

Ma Nishma

Ma nishma is Hebrew for what's up? It's just the beginning of my newest endeavor of trying to improve my Hebrew. The Israeli likes to speak to me sometimes in Hebrew, and I'd like to have a clue as to what he's saying...

Last night was date number 3 with the Israeli, but to be honest it could have been date number 20 for how comfortable we are around each other. We met up at Union Hall in Park Slope around 8:30, but it was ridiculously packed. We decided we'd be better off at the tea lounge where we could actually sit and talk. We walked over to the Tea Lounge and found a large comfy couch to share, just the two of us. I went to get us some hot beverages, and while I was gone, he was composing some sort of logic riddles for me to solve. It's fun, and it's definitely something different. I worked out both of the problems with a little help from him, but I managed to do both, which is better than last time. Then he asked me what I wanted to do about us? I wasn't sure what he was talking about, but then I realized that he was having the DTR... So, he said he wasn't interested in dating anyone else, and I'm ready at this point to agree. So, we're not dating anyone else, but I'm not comfortable just yet calling him my boyfriend. The plan at the tea lounge was to read more of Oracle Night but neither of us were in the mood, so we read The New Yorker instead, not out loud, but together. However, he was confused by one of the articles, and I wasn't articulate enough to explain it correctly. He was a little put off by The New Yorker, so I continued to read while he worked on his laptop. We were very at ease just being together, each doing our own thing, like this was something we did all the time, not like a 3rd date at all.

At around 10:30 we decided it was probably getting late, and since I had to work today, we should get going. Since both dates prior had been sleepover dates, I had already figured what trains I'd need to take to get to work, wore something appropriate that if I had to wear it to school no one would notice, and brought a toothbrush. He offered to come back to my place with me and stay over here, but since I had already done all the logistical work and he doesn't have a roommate, it works out better to go there. I knew that we could pick up the Q on 7th Ave, but I wasn't sure where the stop was... so we walked up to Flatbush (which apparently is where the stop is, somehow we missed it!) and ended up walking all the way to the Atlantic Terminal! Which now that I know how close we were, we could have saved a lot of travel time! Regardless, about an hour later we finally got back to his apartment. Actually, it was more like an hour and a half, as it was around midnight I remember checking when we got into his apartment. We warmed up with some tea, and the Israeli fixed the beds in the bedroom so that they weren't like 2 twin beds pushed together. The last time, there were these huge gaps between the mattresses and one of us inevitably ended up falling in it. So, he fixed the bed, we warmed up, and went to bed.

It was probably around 1:30 by the time we went to sleep, which is really late for a school night for me. The alarms were set for around 6:15, so I could get to school without being late. I had no idea how long the train would take in the morning, so I figured I'd have to leave no later than 7:10 to get there by 8:15. The alarms went off, and we snoozed until almost 7 am, I rushed to get dressed and brush my teeth, and not look like I literally just rolled out of bed. While I did that, the Israeli cut me some fruit to take with me for breakfast. It was really sweet. I managed to get to school earlier today than I usually do, as the train ride was quite easy. One of my co-workers was in the subway car when I got on, and was confused as to why I was getting on at a much later stop than I usually did. I didn't have to say anything, I'm sure my smile gave it away. Her first question to me was, Was that what you wore last night? Damn. Cover blown. But it was WELL worth it.

The Israeli was a little sad that I was going home this weekend. His birthday is on Monday, and his friends are having a party, and he wanted me to come with. I'm coming back late Saturday night, and am intending to spend all day Sunday with him. I got a text message this afternoon from the acupuncturist. He's been kind of spotty with keeping in touch, and with the cancelled date this past weekend, I'm wondering if I don't return his text message if I can just slip out of this one easily. I have a feeling it's not going to be so simple.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Teehee...Erica planned ahead for this date! That's funny! :o)