Thursday, September 21, 2006

You're Mean

I was waiting for the train on the way home from school yesterday afternoon, and I was really immersed in my current train-read. All of the sudden, I feel someone grab at my book and try to pull it. Someone wants to mug me and they are taking my book? Clearly my bag would have been a much better grab. So I look up and it's the Subway Stalker. Ahhh.. great. Now he's trying to rob me of my only train pleasure. I look at him, and I'm not sure what to say to him, he looks back at me, and says, "you're mean." I continued to stare at him, again not really sure what is about to unfold, I simply responded, "No, I'm not." and looked back to my book. He repeats it again, "You're mean mean mean. You are mean." I give him a quizzical look, and he says to me that he has to go. I went back to reading my book. And, so I've concluded, he's not much of a stalker so much as a guy who was, at one point in time, really obsessed. And now he's just another guy scorned.

Speaking of scorn... there's not much new with the 3 inch guy that I really like... except that I still really like him. We exchange emails just about every day, but there haven't been any more marathon conversations or talk about a next date, except that it will be "sometime." I don't know how long I should wait this out. I wish I just knew what was going on in his mind, and I could make my decision based on that, and if it was worth waiting for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No man is worth "waiting" for!