Thursday, April 15, 2010

Start of Something Good.

3 dates in less than a week. I think the last time I had this many dates with a guy at the beginning was when I first started dating Mr. P. This is a good sign, and I'm clear on the fact that he's interested in me for sure. Last night was our 3rd date, and I'm very proud of myself that I did not sacrifice going to spin class to go on the date earlier. It was tempting, yes. But it was the last 90 minute spin class I can go to for a few weeks, so I really wanted to make sure I was there. He was off of work all day yesterday, and normally, I would have canceled going to spin so that I could see him earlier. But I need to not give up things I want to do to go on dates - this has never worked well for me in the past - so I told him I could hang out after 8.

On our previous date, we talked about the movie Hot Tub Time Machine and how we both wanted to see it. So, it made sense that we'd go see that, but that meant going to a late movie, on a school night for me. He offered to do another night, but I was fine with a late night. He didn't have to work the next day either (he's off weds-friday) so we stuck with the original plan of Weds night. He came over to pick me up around 8ish, and since the movie wasn't until 10:30, we decided to get some food first. We went to dinner at one of my favorite Mexican restaurants that's in the town that he lives in, yet has never been there, it was a necessity! In terms of food adventurousness, he's not. I am. Although he shared food well, which is a plus, and he was willing to try what I ordered, even though it was a bit more adventurous than what he ordered. We continue to have great conversations, lots of laughs, and just enough chemistry to keep it flirtatious. After dinner we headed over to the movie theater, where we were basically the only people there. My favorite part of the night was in between dinner and the movie. We were in his car, talking and listening to music. At one point, he turned up a song that was on, and mentioned that it was his favorite part of the song. It's a song I've heard before, but never really listened to all that well. But listening to it, through someone else's recommendation always makes me a little more susceptible to hearing it differently. I'm not sure why I liked that moment so much - something about him, sharing a part of a song that he really liked was just a nice connection. There were other moments in the car that were up there later on, but for some reason that was my favorite.

The movie was fun, with lots of laughter, and very enjoyable. If you haven't seen it - you should.

After the movie, he drove me back home. It was fairly late, and of course I was thinking about work in the morning. At my house, we were sitting in his car, saying goodnight. I wasn't sure how to do the awkward car goodbyes. He starts by saying how much he's enjoying spending time with me, and how I make him laugh (yay!) and that even though he hasn't dated much recently - he's really enjoying this - and asks if he can see me again. Of course. Yes. And then he kisses me. It was a great end to the date.

Things are going well. We're going to go out again this weekend. It's the beginning of... something. Not sure what, but hopefully the start of something good! I'm of course hesitant because of how things turned out after such a strong start and quick fizzle with Google, but I refuse to let someone else's baggage affect something good in my life. I'm going to stay hopeful, and keep enjoying this one day at a time.


Anonymous said...

i just recently started following your blog and i really like your posts,especially this glad youre smart enough to still keep to your routines even though it's almost always tempting to give them up just to spend more time with someone,especially a new guy you really like.i hope this guy is a keeper.and please keep us posted!:)

Debbie said...

I agree with Tina...I am so glad that you stuck to your schedule, instead of canceling your 'plans' to make new plans with him. Sounds like the date was awesome, too :-) Hooray!!! When do we hear about the J-Date blogging contest?