Friday, April 09, 2010


Once upon a time, there was a boy with whom I was very much infatuated. This lasted me on and off throughout college, post-college, and into the beginning of my New York days. I look for parts of him in all the guys I date, and when I compare guys to anyone, it's usually this one. So, tonight, when I found his almost exact counterpart on a very surprising date - I was all the more pleased and very very happy about it.

Tonight's date was going to be the last of my "they chose me" dates before my social dating experiment for the month of April. This guy winked at me on match - which to me says, I like your profile, but maybe not enough to send the first email, it's kind of passive. But it's a safe way of putting yourself out there without a whole lot of rejection if the other doesn't respond. I'm over being a passive dater. Normally, I'd just wink back, but I liked what I read, so I emailed him. We exchanged some emails, had a 2 hour long phone conversation, and scheduled our first date for tonight. I don't normally do dinner and a movie for a first date. I don't necessarily believe it really allows you to get to know another person, and while it can provide a good outlet should you need a break from an awkward date, I don't usually do it. It's not even part of my dating repertoire. However, tonight was the only night we both had free for this date, and I had these free passes to a screening of the movie "Kick-Ass," so I offered the movie as an option, but would have been fine if we had ended up doing something else. We decided to meet for dinner before hand, and then go see the movie. It's not that I wasn't looking forward to the date, I just haven't had the best luck these days on my dates, and I didn't know if I could handle another disappointing date. So I went into it with no expectations - and well, it turned out so much better than I could have even imagined.

We met up around 6 for dinner. Like our conversation on the phone, it was quick and natural from the get-go. There was a lot of conversation, and hardly a dull moment. I can't remember being at a loss of words, and he was engaging and funny, and before you knew it - an hour and a half had passed. We decided to take one car over to the movie theater (even though we could have just walked) and he drove us over. The movie was fun and light, and not a bad date movie, even for a first date. It wasn't awkward like I thought it might be, and there was no physical contact. After the movie, he asked if I wanted to go home or do something else - like get some coffee. I opted for the coffee option (this is why I'm up blogging at 2:30 on a school night!) and we headed over to the diner. I had coffee and carrot cake, he had some apple pie, and we ended up closing the diner, talking more. It felt like time was moving very fast. He drove me back over to the restaurant where my car was from earlier. We ended up spending another half an hour or more in his car, just talking about everything from music to old tv shows. We talked about doing something again, and we parted, still without any physical contact, but I left feeling pretty good about the date.

5 and a half hours (2 of which were spent in a movie - so 3.5 hours of actually dating time) is a pretty substantial first date. I like just about everything I know about this guy. He lives in the town where I work, he knows some of the same people I know. He is smart, and funny, and exactly my kind of cute. I'm not projecting, and I don't want to get my hopes up, but I would definitely be interested in seeing where this could go.


Debbie said...

Yaaay! So happy to read this...great start to the weekend. I hope there is a date two with this guy. He sounds like a good match so far!

Lois said...

What are you going to nickname him? Sounds like dinner and a movie was a great idea... You Go Girl!