Thursday, March 11, 2010

Danger Zone

2 weeks in a row I've had dates on Wednesday nights, with guys who are much younger than I normally date. It's a strange thing, going from dating someone who is much older and more settled in his life to dating guys who have so much of their plan still to come. The guy from last night is 26, I think soon to be 27, but I'm not sure. We had emailed, and then sent some texts back and forth on Saturday/Sunday, then agreed to meet up this week for drinks on Wednesday night. I wasn't overly excited about the date, I don't know why. There was nothing unappealing about this guy. He was cute, smart, interesting through emails... I just didn't get that connected feeling or excitement leading up to the date. So I went into the date with a slightly uninterested vibe, not sure where this was all going to lead.

We met up at a bar that wouldn't have been my first choice. It was a rather large bar right across the street from 30th Street Station, it's an Irish bar - and it being the month of March, they have St. Patty's events going on every single night. Last night was live music, which made it rather hard to have good conversation. Not a good choice for a first date, but I get the feeling he didn't know any better. Also his choice of seating was less than ideal. He got there before I did (not surprising!) and had chosen a table in the bar area, but it was literally almost on top of another table right next to us. There was a couple sitting so close to us, I felt like we were at the same table - they were on a first date too - which provided even more distraction than the live music!

So, I admit that I eavesdropped on the date going on next to me, because I thought it was hysterical. I don't know that most people can pick up on first date conversation so easily, but I've been on enough first dates to know it when I hear it. The funniest stuff was what the girl was saying. While my date was at the bar getting my drink for me, I was listening to the girl on the date next to me talk to the guy about how she's "so into wine" right now. She made a resolution to drink wine instead of beer (except she has a Stella in front of her, weird.) and she doesn't like the after taste of alcohol. I was bored and I wasn't even IN the conversation. Is this what other girls talk about on dates? Yawn. So, my date returns with my drink and we have good conversation (not about wine, or beer, or any kind of alcohol at all...) that was fairly natural, but I felt uncomfortable with the other table so close. If I could listen in on their conversation, they could easily listen in on mine. The best part was when the girl was talking about how she was "so over 23" Really? and the guy who she's on the date with commiserated that he's not looking forward to turning 27. And how 30 is just looming around the corner for him. Oh. dear. lord. So here I am, on a date with a 26 year old, next to a 26 year old and 23 year old. I'm the granny of this bunch!

The date wrapped up after 2 hours, I had only put 2 hours of quarters in my meter, and needed to get to my car before I got a ticket because I apparently parked on the one street that has meters that run until midnight! It was a good time to go though, 2 hours was more than enough. I still hadn't rallied up any feelings towards this guy that would make me want to see him again. There's no reason why I wouldn't, I just don't think there's any interest there. I'm not sure if it was mutual or not. (because I know your curious: The other first date lasted much longer than mine - they were there before we got there, and still there when we left!) He walked me to my car, even though it was parked far away from where he parked. I offered to drive him back to his car, but he declined the offer. He gave me a hug, there was the obligatory parting remarks of "this was fun, we should do it again sometime." and agreement (I never know what to say to that!) And I ended my 2nd Wednesday night date, heading home.

Those of you who have been following the fan page on Facebook (if you're not a fan, there's a link below!), know that there's another guy in the works. Someone who I am REALLY excited about. Here's some back story on him. He winked at me on Match, back in November when he first moved into Philly. I don't remember if I didn't wink back, or if we never emailed for whatever reason, but I know we never connected through any kind of real communication. Sunday night, I saw his profile online over the weekend, and I vaguely remembered our connection from before (his profile is more wordy than mine - if you can imagine!) so I winked at him. Within an hour, he had winked back AND emailed me. We sent 3 emails back and forth that night, and finally it was late, so I gave him my cell phone number (expecting him to call in a day or so) and started getting ready to go to bed. He sends me a text that was just the lyric to one of my all time favorite Beatles songs. I responded that it was one of my favorites, and a good call on his part. He responds that it's HIS favorite, and how strange is that? We ended up texting back and forth for a good hour and a half that night, and potentially set up a date for Tuesday. He was going to call me on Monday to confirm, but Monday came and went and I didn't hear from him until very late. It was almost 10:30 when he finally texted me to tell me that he had been at work until 9:45, he was so exhausted, and could we talk tomorrow? Of course. I was a little bummed that the date was not going to happen, but I understand busy work schedules, as mine gets in the way ALL the time! On Tuesday, I was pleasantly surprised to get a text from him which he had sent around 8am, just wishing me a good day. I responded and again we texted back and forth throughout the day. Tuesday night, we're supposed to talk, but he has to work late again, and is exhausted. At this point, I'm a little tired of the texting and not setting up a date, and wondering if this guy has any real interest in meeting me at all. So when he texts me that he's tired and we'll talk tomorrow, I respond with something pseudo witty/snarky about how that's the 2nd night in a row he's done that. He immediately apologizes, and I do believe that he was just truly exhausted. I mention that I won't be around because I'm going out for drinks the following night (I don't mention that it's on a date...) so we probably won't get to talk. He says he's over the texting thing, I agree. So, am I more than a little surprised when he sends me a text to check in with me the next day to see how my day is going? Yes. We text a little bit, but with my school/gym/date schedule, I was less responsive. After I got home from my date, I checked in to see if he was still awake, and if he wanted to talk. He called me, and although it breaks ALL my pre-dating rules, we talked on the phone for 2 and a half hours. He's so much different than I would expect. We have a lot in common. I'm trying really hard not to get my hopes up, because before a date, that's really dangerous (like photographer-dangerous!) He called me this morning, to wish me a good day, and to talk some more. We could have probably talked for another 2.5 hours if I hadn't been walking into school! And of course, we were sending texts back and forth most of the day. We are going out this weekend, either Friday night after the library, or Sunday. Either way, I need to turn it down a little bit! He is really sweet, and we have a lot to talk about... but if it gets too built up before we meet, I'm afraid it will be bitterly disappointing for one or both of us!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I love how you were listening to the people next to you on their date...I'd do the same thing! HAHA! Oh man...she is upset about being 23...I'd like to slap her :-) I guess that's how my 40yr old friends feel when I complain about turning 30 next month! lol! Can't WAIT to hear about this next date!!!