Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fast and Furious

Please forgive me for any grievous spelling/grammatical errors in this post... I'm going on virtually zero sleep from last night, but I wanted to get this up before I left!

Last night was the 4th date with the BK, who I guess we can rename to the Improving Kisser, as last night he continued to make significant improvements in this area. We went to dinner in Manayunk, since I was dropping my dog off at my brother's house for the weekend and it's on the way home from work for him. We decided to go for Thai food, and anyone who has read my earlier posts from Brooklyn, knows that I am serious about my Thai food. I had been to this restaurant before with my brother and his girlfriend, and I remember it being crowded and loud, not all that different from my favorite Thai place in Brooklyn, only about 3x more expensive! It's also BYO, so I offered to supply the beer, knowing that he would be paying for the meal. Because I'm a poor planner, I didn't go pick up the beer in time, make it home in time to pack up my dog, and get on the road in a reasonable amount of time to drop off my dog and make it to dinner, and thus I was half an hour late. I felt really bad, but he was understanding, and very patient about waiting. It probably didn't hurt that he thought I looked "hot" last night (his words, NOT mine... I was hoping more for, "you look nice" or "you look really pretty," but hot... hmm. I'll take what I can get for right now... but true to myself, I told him that I would rather him tell me I look nice, not hot.)

Over dinner, which was delicious, we sampled the beers I brought, talked, and time passed quickly. Next thing I knew we were walking back to our cars, and making out in the parking lot. It was a definite improvement from last time, and I can really tell he was trying. Since I had dropped my dog off at my brother's, I had no obligation to get home at any hour. So when he suggested heading back to his place... well, why not? Of course we came in our own cars, so we had to drive separately back to his place. I hadn't been there since the night the bad kissing began, and I didn't have such fond memories of it! I almost decided halfway there that it wasn't a good idea and I should just turn around and go home. I have a 5 hour drive ahead of me today, and still hadn't packed yet for the weekend, it was probably in my best interest to go home. But do I ever do anything in my best interest?? Not at all. I ended up back at his place, and ended up staying far longer than anticipated. He reminded me that he was supposed to have a test on his abilities, and asked me if he was passing my standards. Yikes. I felt a little bad about how strongly I must have laid it on last week, but I don't think there's anyway that he would have improved. I asked him at one point to show me how he would kiss me if I didn't have any of my own expectations, and yeah, it was as bad as I remembered it. And I told him that! I think I asked him too if anyone else had ever said anything, and he said that no one else had ever complained, so.... maybe it's me? I doubt it.

We went into some of our dating past, and I'm fairly confident that I have a lot more experience than he does. I mean, I dated for a living practically when I lived in the city, and he seems to date one girl at a time, getting serious way too quickly. I'm not all about being fast and furious with the relationship status, but I have a feeling he's moving strongly in that direction. Some of the comments he made definitely make me think he's in this for the long haul, and that scares me. I feel like I JUST got out a committed relationship, and yeah, I've been single for 4 months, but not REALLY. Mr. Perfect and I just stopped seeing each other and hanging out (infer what you will....) a little over a month ago. So yes, while we broke up in March, we didn't really end things for good until after the 4th of July weekend. So, I'm a little nervous about getting serious with someone so quickly. It's good that I have a busy rest of August. Anyway, it got really late, and he has a presentation to do all day at work today, so I kept suggesting that maybe it was better if we called it a night... but we never did. I ended up staying there, and we slept for about an hour, but nothing substantial. It was really nice, but at the same time really weird. I have to adjust to new sleeping patterns/habits after a year and a half of being comfortable with another's. I know it's all part of dating, being in a relationship, etc, but part of me feels like it's a little too soon. I was good on all fronts, slept with my clothes on even after he offered me a t-shirt. There's something looming over my head, that I know I need to talk to him about, and I'm avoiding it. This is probably my biggest reservation with making progress in the relationship, and the longer I put it off, the worse I'm sure it will be... Also, I just got a 3rd job, which will take up my entire weekend, every other weekend. I'm betting this will be a roadblock. Although, he's now telling me he's going to skip going down the shore with his buddies on Labor Day to spend the weekend with me, which is sweet, yes, but I don't want him giving things up to be with me, because I have no intention of reciprocating that. I think we may need to test the brakes on this one.

I reminded him to text me to make sure I got home ok, which actually defeats the purpose! Oh well. I'm sure he would have, but I didn't want him to risk a fatal mistake at this stage of the game. As for me, I'm going to take an hour power nap, then I'm off for a weekend of driving through New England and back!


Debbie said...

Yay!!! Glad he's improved! Sounds like he really paid attention to what you said. As for the looming thing, I still say 2nd opinion, but when do you ever listen to me?! :-P Glad you are having fun with this one!!!

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