Monday, April 21, 2008

A Break

So most of you have probably noticed the lack of blogging. There has been much going on with Mr Perfect, but oddly enough, I can't find the words that can best express emotion or feeling. For now I'm calling it quits here. I know in the past this has been the kiss of death in terms of relationships. As soon as I say I'm going to stop blogging, the relationship goes horribly wrong and then here I am, back in full swing only a few weeks later. So we'll see. There have been some rough patches with Mr. P, and I very well could be back here before I know it.

But for now good readers, I bid you adieu, and good reading. Sorry for the lack of information, there's lots going on but not much to say....


Logan said...

Boo! Post more.

Anonymous said...

For what it's worth, I have truly enjoyed reading your posts. Best of luck with Mr. Perfect.