Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Life is slow these days, at least on the dating front. I haven't been on any dates, and the salesman seems to have picked up on my "not interested" vibe and has ceased calling. My only saving grace these days is my school crush. I know I shouldn't write about it here because of the risk of someone finding out, but I'll live dangerously for now.

I had a meeting where my crush was present today. It was a brief department meeting, and did not require any one of us to stay very late. I assumed that as soon as the meeting was over, my crush would be out the door. I stayed around to talk with two of my co-workers, who were discussing the quality of their daycare teachers that both of their children attend. I smiled at my crush and said something to the effect of, I'm glad I don't have to worry about that. He was hanging around too, and it wasn't very clear as to why. He didn't seem to have anything important to say or anything further to discuss, but he was clearly hanging around. I was walking back to my classroom with my co-worker, and he came with us. My co-worker left to go pick up her son, and I just assumed that my crush would be leaving shortly there after. No, he stayed, for close to half an hour. We talked about school, and graduate school, and a little reference to life outside of school... but still, half an hour in my room. We joked around a bit, and the conversation had a professional, yet flirty, feel to it. He stayed until the custodian came in, kind of cautiously, and asked if she was interrupting something private. It must have seemed very intimate, with just the two of us talking in the doorway of my classroom. He stayed for a bit longer after that, but with the custodian in and out of my room, it felt strange for the two of us to stand there, in her way, talking. The choices were either, I leave my classroom, he comes fully into the classroom, or we end our already long conversation.

There is something to be said for him staying all this time to talk to me, I think, and in all the jobs I've ever had, I've never had a crush on someone who I actually had a chance with. This is just something very new. He mentioned stopping by my classroom on Friday, but my classes will be testing in the library all day, so he assured me he would stop by sometime next week. I'm constantly flustered by his appearance in my room throughout the days when he does stop by, but I do continue to look forward to our meetings.


Logan said...

I just had the sudden realization that the change of setting from NY to South Jerzy, means that there is no chance of a random run-in with the subway stalker. Or any other past dates for that matter. Speaking of past dates, what ever happened to the acupuncturists? I feel like his story wasn't completely resolved...

Debbie said...

Aw sigh...your crush makes me giddy! teehee!
Logan doesn't seem to understand the woes of dating. Logan - when you date, often times people fade away. You just stop dating them. There is no "resolution" per se. You just stop calling and they stop calling..and that's the end of that. Welcome to your first lesson in "Dating 101"...there will be a quiz tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Logan doesn't need to understand the woes of dating. He's married.

Logan said...

Ah, the old "stop calling" yes, I am familiar with that, however I though the first lesson of Dating 101 was entitled:

Lesson 1 -- "Making eye contact, and other ways not to stare at her boobs."