Thursday, September 20, 2007

Slurpee Salesman

I've been promising this blog for a few days now... and I should be sleeping, or doing graduate school work, or regular school work... but I'm blogging. Sunday night was my first date since I moved back home. It was weird telling my parents that I would be going on a date, and kind of embarrassing, because I'm living at home, and am now 27... Hopefully by the time I'm 28, I'll have enough money saved up to have already bought my new house. Wishful thinking. Back to the date. The guy is 31 (I must have a thing for that age these days, 31 = same age as my crush), and actually went to the same high school as me, but I think he graduated a year before I started there. It's unlikely that I would have known him anyway, I'm sure we ran with different crowds.

The short of it: (because I'm too tired to retell the whole date.) Nothing exciting.. an hour or so at Starbucks, soup at Ponzios... he asked me if I wanted to go to his place. I said no. He kissed me, it was ok. He's called me twice since then. The end.

Is he a nice guy? Yes. Definitely. Very social, and we had no problem keeping up conversation. Am I attracted to him? I don't think so. He does have very nice blue eyes, but I don't think that's enough to make it count. Here are just a few of my issues:

  • He never went to college. (I have a big problem with that... I know, college isn't for everyone, but it's essential for me, so I can't imagine not going.)
  • He's bald. and kind of looks like my ex.
  • He slurps his coffee, and his soup. I witnessed both.
  • He's had gastric bypass surgery, which is not a problem, but that he can only eat food in small doses totally is. I don't like to eat more food than my date, ever. So that meant dinner on our date was a bowl of soup. I finished mine (and probably could have eaten something a bit more substantial), he had a few spoonfuls and was done. That was a turnoff. I think I'd rather date a guy with some meat on his bones who eats more than a dude who eats less than an ounce of food per meal.
And the kicker...
  • He's a car salesman. I felt like at every suggestion he made to me, he was trying to close a deal. I don't necessarily trust the intentions of a guy who I feel is trying to sell me something, even if it is just the idea of another date.
He texted me that night to see if I got home ok, I didn't respond the message until the next day. He called that night and we talked for about 10 minutes or so, because he was at his friend's for the Eagles' game. He called tonight, a few minutes ago. I didn't pick up because I'm too tired to talk, and I didn't want to have to think on my toes about how to deflect his next sales pitch.

Today's best search that landed them on my blog was: "my date tried to suck my toes." I have NO idea how that one would go, but I would LOVE to hear that story!


Debbie said...

Wow...that sucks! haha! But, I have to say, he DID take you to Ponzios which is a DEFINITE plus ;o) hahaha!

Logan said...

Per Debbie's anticipation of my commenting. I will make this the official announcement of my attempt to comment on every posting... So, my comment for this one is:

Click here for Forbes's 10 things not to say to a car salesman.