Sunday, January 21, 2007


Apparently people are offended by what I write. If you know me in person, you know that I'm not an offensive person intentionally, but I do not hold back. I'm sure I could be nicer, but why? I don't think I've written anything that was ever intentionally mean, and if you don't like what I write, then don't read it.

Ahem. Ok. That was my little rant on that. In other news... upcoming dates this week!
3 of them! There's the Kid (a library student who's almost 3 years younger than I... and I thought a few months was bad), the Texan (lives in the city, obviously... but is from texas originally - and is also a librarian. He has a great texan accent!), and the Dr. (who's not really a doctor, but a practitioner of Chinese medicine). The kid I think will turn into a friendship, he actually reminds me a lot of D, without the ex-girlfriend (as far as I know. I haven't done as much research, since a whole lot of good it did me last time - lesson learned, finally!). Which means, he would be great.. but he's younger than my little brother. I don't know that I'm ok with that, just yet. Case in point, a conversation we had today planning our upcoming date went something like this...
The Kid: Do you like smoothies?
E: I do... but it's a little cold for smoothies.
The Kid: My school has a little cafe next to the regular cafeteria that serves coffee, smoothies, pizza, ice cream, milkshakes, etc and I can pay with my meal plan.
E: ...

Yeah, he said pay with his meal plan. I know he's in grad school, and not working. I understand that money is tight. And I'm the LEAST concerned with who pays for what on a date, but paying with a meal plan?? Yikes. I feel like I'm going back to my undergrad days having pledges swipe me into the dining hall... As I typed that, it dawned on me that with this one, that could be a future date. Well, maybe the smoothies are really good. No judgements just skeptical.

The other two I'm fighting everything in me to keep my expectations low. After 2 very hopeful and then disappointing experiences, I'm worried I'm a little bit scarred by recent months. The Texan is up first on Tuesday night, and the Dr. is Wednesday. Both have really interesting qualities that are equally as enticing... I don't want to say too much, it never works out in the end anyway! (Boo pessimism, that's not my style - but I refuse to get my hopes up.)

There are two other potentials that are barely out of the starting gate... but it should keep things interesting for a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY! More dates! I can't wait! Oh and for the people who are offended by this blog, "WHO CARES?" The only people you say things about are failed relationships. So, in the long-run, who gives a rat's ass what they feel about your blog? You're not dating them! Tell them to "SUCK IT!"