Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Just dinner.

I think I may be in the beginning stages of a relationship with the new guy. I'm pretty sure he's interested in pursuing a relationship, and it seems to be heading in that direction. I'd be happy to hang up my dating hats, and be with this one guy. The more time I spend with him, the more I enjoy his company, the more attracted I am to him.

Tonight we just went to dinner. We met up around 6:30, and then he told me that he had to work from home tonight so he wouldn't be able to stay out late. However, he did invite me to come hang out with him while he worked. We split 2 appetizers, and a meal, and a few beers (the beers were not shared). We talked and held hands across the table. We were cheesy and people probably thought we were lame, and it was really nice. We have plans for Saturday night. It will be the 3rd time in one week that we're going out, so that to me says more than dating... but we're not there yet. The DTR may be just around the corner... within a week or so, maybe less.

When it was time to go, he walked me out to my car and kissed me goodbye before heading back to do some work. I sent him a text thanking him for dinner, and he texted me back, and we got into a bit of a text message conversation. I felt bad because I felt like I was keeping him from his work, but my theory on texts is that there is always the option not to respond. I kept responding to his texts and, in my mind, if he were really busy with work, he could text me back in an hour or tomorrow or whenever he was done with whatever it is he's doing. Eventually, he just called me, and we spoke for about 10 minutes about how he's not getting anything done anyway, so he should just come over here. My powers of persuasion are lacking. He said he'd call me tomorrow, and I'm sure he will. I don't have any reasons to doubt him or mistrust him.

Things are progressing nicely. Not too fast, nothing too serious. I need to keep reminding myself to keep the bitter negative sarcasm to myself, at least until he gets a better picture of where that stems from (which hopefully, he never will). I don't want to come off as needy or overbearing, so I play the opposite. I'm sure that doesn't do any better for my case. Plus, I still can't think of a name for him. Initials seem to lack his personality, I want something original. I'll probably think of it when I blog the last date we have. Ahhhh, cynicism.


Logan said...

Top 5 Possible blog names for the new guy:

The 10-texts guy
The quizzo guy
The driveway makeout guy
The supply and demand guy
The brains guy

Anonymous said...

JL (from our conversation yesterday)
S&D (taken from Logan! From supply and demand)
Or-- I second Quizzo.

-your big sis

Debbie said...

I third Quizzo Guy. Possibly "Bang on Future Child's Windshield" Guy...hahaha! He seems like a good're not allowed to have a boyfriend though! HAHA! Don't leave me alone in the single pool!!! :-P