Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Big Fat Pink Elephant

Tonight was date number 4 with CK. The date itself was wonderful. Really and truly a fantastic time was had. I drove into the city, picked him up (we could have walked but it was raining rather hard at intervals during the evening), went to an amazing concert, and then I dropped him off back home. There's little detail in between that is relevant. A little of that awkward "it's too early for us to be really comfortable" kind of casual touching (i.e. his hand on my leg during some of the songs - yet only to be removed as soon as the song is over to clap), and some kissing, but nothing disgustingly PDA-ish.

In between the opening and the headliner, we talked, and I finally felt like we were getting to know each other better. He asked me some strange questions about if I thought children should be allowed to watch tv, and we talked about our families, plans for the up coming weeks, although I don't know how much time we'll get to see each other in November. I'm heading to Boston for 5 days the second weekend, and he's going to China for 10 days around Thanksgiving. But I do think things will progress further before any of that even happens. After the show, he held my hand as we walked to the car, which was new... and nice, I guess. I'm not a huge fan of hand holding, but it's not a deal breaker. I drove him home, we kissed in the car for a little bit, and then I left. No "see you around" this time - although there was something equally weird and awkward about the goodbye, although it wasn't enough to stick in my brain.

Yes, I believe he's still interested, and nothing was meant by the evasive "see you around" last time or this date's equally awkward goodbye that I can't remember - except that it was awkward. And even if he's interested, there are still some things that need to be discussed. One of those things being the girlfriend - whom shall now be known as the big fat pink elephant, as deemed by a co-worker. Nothing about her has been brought up. He doesn't bring her up and I still haven't found a comfortable way to ask what the deal is with that. However, he did offer to make me a mix cd, which in middle school terms, means we're getting pretty serious. Yet, a lot of this seems to be moving at the pace of a middle school relationship - we've held hands, kissed (nothing else physically yet), and now I'll have a mix cd to show for it. Maybe next time I can get my mom to drive me to the mall to meet him while walking around and not doing anything. But until then, there's still the big fat pink elephant that I need to get out of the picture.


Anonymous said...

I think that the fact that he has not brought up the "ex" girfriend at all should be cause for alarm.

I dated someone over the summer. I knew he was seperated (from a wife) before our first date and I discussed it with him then to make sure he was actually free to date someone, which he claimed he was. We were together three months (and sleeping together) and the whole time we were together he never mentioned her - at all - ever. I took this as a sign that he must be totally over her but I was really just fooling myself.

I wish I had questioned him about it more.
Now, your case is totally different than mine. (He and I broke up last month when I discovered that he had lied to me about his name!!!!) But I realize, in retrospect, that him not discussing his "ex" was a red flag and I should have heeded it. I wonder now if she even is an ex.

Again, your situation is TOTALLY different because he isn't married and you were introduced by your moms but you should definitely (casually) ask him about her. Good luck!!! (and I love your blog!)


Logan said...

First off, hoo-ray for 2 posts in one week.

Personally, I think the whole him having a girlfriend thing thing depends on how you want the relationship to go. The feeling I'm getting out of it is that you're having a good time, but you're not like, really really into him. In which case I'd say who cares about the girlfriend issue, and just keep on having a good time. However, if you do like him more than your blog lets on, then yeah, absolutely bring up the girlfriend. Just say, "So, what's up with your girlfriend?"

Or better yet, ask your crush from work out and date 2 guys at once.

Debbie said...

Teehee..I love Logan's comment "date 2 guys at once"! That would be AWESOME! ;o)