Thursday, May 17, 2007

Care Bears and Beer

Last night I had yet another date that was not with the Israeli. I am getting a little upset that I haven't really heard from him in his last few weeks here, but more on that later.

Last night I went on a date with a guy I met through the Onion personals. He seemed like he might be a little effeminate for me, but I wasn't going to pass on the opportunity to go on an interesting date. Through one of his emails he confessed that he owned 4 Care Bears. Which I guess could be considered cool... somehow. Anyway, we had a decent phone conversation on Monday night, and decided to meet up for a drink on Wednesday.

When I got off the train on my way home from work yesterday, there were apocalyptic conditions outside. An entire part of a tree had broken off due to the high winds and was lying in the middle of my street, not to mention all the debris and smaller branches from other trees whirling about. I was really tempted to cancel the date, because while a little rain doesn't bother me, it did not seem like it would be good "going out" weather. He text messaged me to see if I still wanted to go out, and decided why not... There was nothing else I was going to be doing besides going to the gym and just hanging out in my apartment.

We met up in Williamsburg, at a bar that I was supposed to go to on a date at the end of last summer (I think it was A Summer's End). I was walking down the street towards the bar, and I see this guy looking at me kind of funny. I looked back, and kept walking, but then realized that the guy looked similarly to the guy I was supposed to be meeting, and maybe it was him. What an awkward moment when you stop and stare at someone that you don't know if it's the right person or not. He said something along the lines of, I think you're looking for me. And I responded with something very intelligent like, Oh am I? He was indeed the guy I was meeting. The bar was too crowded (again) this time due to Trivia and not Bingo, but regardless, there were no seats, and it would not have been a good environment to have a conversation. So, we went down the street to the bar that I went to on the Summer's End date, which was again quiet and relatively empty.

It was a good date. We had a few beers, heard some good tunes, and most importantly, talked. We talked for a while, and he reminds me of a combination of 2 guys that I've dated over the past year. One is a guy from before the blog and the other is D. A strange combination, but has good qualities of both, and not so much the bad qualities. One way he reminds me of D? He's currently living with his ex-girlfriend. WHAT? Ok. He is moving out June 1st. But still.... He assured me that he would not be in contact with his ex once he does move out. I don't really care about that, but they've been broken up for a few months from what he's told me, and he still hasn't moved out. It's a little strange. But he seems like a decent enough guy, and at least I don't know the ex this time. We stayed at the bar until about 11, which is fairly late for a school night and me being all the way out in Williamsburg. We walked over to the train together, and we had to part ways to go down to opposite sides of the G train. He went in for the hug and kiss, but I definitely turned my head, so he only go a kiss on the cheek goodnight. I don't know, I just felt a little weird kissing him in the subway. We went down our separate ways, and he mentioned something about doing this again. I'd be game for it, he was nice enough. I think it would be fun to see where the second date leads too. So long as he really moves out from the ex's place soon... otherwise this could be D-trouble all over again.

Tonight I went to a bar on the UWS with a friend for happy hour. Happy Hour turned into many happy hours, resulting in me drinking way too many beers, doing tequila shots, playing beer pong, and most importantly talking to some guy from Brooklyn and giving him my number. I don't know how I would feel about him in the sobering daylight, but hey, it's something different for a change! Ahh, spring. I heart dating season.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woohooo - CARE BEAR COUNTDOWN..1..2..3..STARE!!! Ok sorry..that was just amusing. Sounds like you had a nice date AND you got picked up at a bar...SWEET! I need to go to bars more often!!! Oh and I have some updates of my own for you ;o)