Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Longer.

So as promised earlier today...

the "more" of the date from yesterday.

Here's the nitty gritty...

We had originally planned a Thursday night 2nd date, but after a series of texts on Sunday, the guy (ok... time for a "blog name..." from here on out let's call him D, so original, I know), so D texted me and asked me if I was free Monday night instead. I was, and it actually works better for me because Monday I get out before 4, Thursday not until 5:30... so I could easily get into the city at a reasonable hour on Monday. I opted for a pair of heels, not my best dating choice... Let's just say my walking ability was hindered slightly.

So the getting to the date part actually was a nightmare. The C train was blocked at Ralph Ave. and we were told that the entire A/C was not running in Brooklyn. Not true, it was just the Ralph Ave. stop. Anyway, after a long wait for crowded buses, my co-worker drove me and some of my other co-workers to the J train, where we took that into Manhattan and transferred to the F train, about an hour long ordeal. So much for getting into the city early. So after a long ride on the J and the F, standing the whole time in uncomfortable shoes on the F... I made it to Bryant Park. Immediately my mood was lifted. It's the holidays and the city is bustling with holiday markets, trees, lights, it's beautiful, if not a bit cheesey/overkill. But it still made me smile.

So, D and I met up in the holiday market at the large tree in the middle. It was nice and easy, and comfortable again right away. We decided to head up to the UES for dinner. I know that choosing this restaurant put me indefinitely closer to his apartment, and well... potentially physical situations. I chose it anyway, why not? He was in my apartment on Saturday. Seems fair. After walking to the train, standing on the train up to 86th street, and then having to walk up to 93rd (I was told it was only 91st!!), my feet felt like they were being put through a meat grinder. And I felt so bad, but my feet HURT. I was complaining the entire way, I'm sure he thought that was awesome. So the entire walk there was really revolving around how much my feet hurt and me apologizing for complaining so much. If we did talk about anything else, the memory of the pain has blocked that out. We reach the restaurant, sit, and ahhh.. I can think again.

We had a nice dinner, with some decent wine and conversation. Then the topic came up of what we were going to do after dinner. There were two options basically on the table... back to his apartment.. or home. I chose his apartment. A) it was closer B) it was early C) I wanted to go to his apartment D) all of the above. He was gracious enough to suggest that we take the crosstown bus back to his place, and not struggle with me walking from Lex to York. Yikes. I'm not usually opposed to walking, and it was a great night... but my feet.

Back at his place, we stopped to pick up some gum/tic tacs (dinner was onion-y) and then up to his apartment. I have been in a few guys apartments since moving to the city, but if I had to draw in my mind a "typical guys" apartment, it would probably look much like this. And maybe I've found someone who can truly rival me in messiness? That could be dangerous!

We made out for a while, and it was nice, and before I knew it, it got pretty late. So, instead of leaving, he decided to show me his Wii (pronounced "we" sounds dirty... it's not! It's a Nintendo, go figure.), and I'm not really knowledgeable on the video games (clearly, I didn't know what a Wii was!), being that I can't remember the last time I played one... well until last night. So he wanted me to try out the Wii controller, and they have a bowling game on there, so of course, I'm sold! I love bowling more than anything else. I was really nervous at first about playing. I'm not sure why. Maybe I thought he'd think less of me if I wasn't good at video games? I don't know, but I was suddenly very nervous and self conscious. Not a feeling I deal well with, especially after feeling so comfortable with someone. Eventually I loosened up, and managed a good game in bowling, and then we tested out the tennis game... which I absolutely sucked at. But I did get a *little* (and by little, I mean not much really at all) bit better after a few rounds. It's a tricky thing... the Wii. I might need some more practice.

After the games, it was definitely late, and I had a bus and two trains to catch to get home. And after a 6 hour date, following a 9.5 hour date, it's been marathon dating. D walked me to the bus, and waited there with me in the cold (so nice!) until the bus came. Even after all that time we had just spent together, I was surprised that I was just a teensy bit sad that I had to go - it may have been the dread of the trip ahead of me as well. Surprisingly it took me less time than I imagined it would to get home, a little over an hour, but coming from the UES around midnight... it wasn't so bad. So, I got home around 1, and passed out.

I've been contemplating why I got self-conscious and nervous when we played the video games, and I've finally put my finger on it... I'm going to let it percolate over the next few days. We have a third date on Thursday, and I'm really looking forward to it. I just hope I don't let my insecurities get in the way before then.


Anonymous said...

You never told me he had a Wii!!! That's so awesome! Oh and don't let "D" be confused with "DEBBIE" hahahahaha!

Logan said...

Wii is awesome. This guy is a keeper. I give him 5 Wii stars.