Thursday, March 25, 2010

In the bag!

So, it's been rather slow on the dating front, but I'm really busy with work (all three jobs are in full effect this weekend, although there will be a date on Sunday.)

This is a different kind of post. Jdate is having a contest to be the next Jblogger! I can do this, I've been blogging about jdates for AGES. or 4 years. but it feels like AGES. I've been a jdate subscriber on and off for years, and have lots of stories. The only thing you get out of this contest is a position as a Jdate blogger, and a free Jdate subscription (my mom's dream come true!) So, what do I have to lose? I'm going to go for it. The only problem I have is I don't know what story to tell, or should I write something new?

Anyway, I'm asking you guys, my readers, people who know my stories, who have been there with me through the good, the bad, and the ugly (!!), which jdate story I should go with? "Jdate does not stand for Jesus date" "Maybe he's born with it" (the one that started it all!) or any of the other ones throughout the years... Or something completely different. Please let me know, either here or on Facebook or Twitter or however you follow me (or in person, if I see you!)

The entry needs to be in by April 2nd, I'll post it here once it's written!


Anonymous said...

Write something new... You are amazing to follow. Love everything you write about. Go for it!

Debbie said...

JDate does not stand for Jesus Date...that was a good one :-)