I can not do this, whatever it is, with the phone guy anymore. He is still JUST a phone guy. We haven't met. We've had multiple good conversations, via text, phone, and IM. We just can't seem to make that first date happen. Wait, not we.... HE. Last Sunday I blogged about how he canceled our bowling date. I was ok with that, and he was really apologetic, and pissed about having to work late. And made mention of wanting to set up a meeting sometime this week. We had originally talked about Monday, but Mondays are bad for me and I had a ton of grades to do, so I suggested Tuesday instead. He was fine with that. I had forgotten that my friend was coming in for a haircut on Tuesday and I had scheduled time to see her and get some water ice with her and my other friend.
Throughout the day on Tuesday, the texts from the phone guy were much less than usual. This struck me as odd because he's usually SO on top of the texting. Seriously, on Monday, we exchanged probably between 20-30 texts over the course of the day. So when I hadn't heard from him on Tuesday by the end of the day since like 9 in the morning (he had called me in the morning to wish me a good day, and to chat a bit on his way to work and texted me in the morning), I was a bit surprised. So I sent him a text, just asking what his plan was for that night. He said he thought he was going to have to work late, so he didn't know. I responded that later would be fine for me since I had forgotten that my friend was coming in for the night, and I wanted to see her. He said he'd let me know. Around 6ish, he texted me and said he was going to have to stay late at work and there was no way he was going to be able to go out. I was pretty sympathetic and was very understanding about him breaking our date, for the second time in 3 days. Work is work. I'm not saying I like it, but I can understand it. When he got home at 9:30, he sent me a text, telling me he had just gotten home and how frustrated he was with work. We talked for a while, and I was almost ready to tell him that I don't want to do this again, when he PROMISED me that we'd hang out tonight. He said, I don't make promises because they are something that I don't break. Ok.... well, I told him that I didn't want to interfere with his work schedule, and that he should just keep me posted on what he thought his day would be like throughout the day. We, again, texted back and forth all day today, and he even said that he was looking forward to hanging out tonight. I had gone out with my friends for St. Patrick's day, and hadn't heard from him in a couple of hours, so I just wanted to know what his plan was. I get a message back that he's on his way to NYC. Um. What? So I asked if it was for work. Nope, for fun, he responds. He then texts me to ask if I am pissed. Which I am. But I'm not going to tell him that. I tell him that he owes me nothing, I'm not pissed, just a little confused. I had only asked that if his plans should change, all he needed to do was to let me know. He said that his friend just called him and it sounded like a good time, so he decided to go, and it just happened 45 minutes ago. Riiiiiiiight. So. I'm done. Seriously, I can forgive plans being broken for work. I can forgive 2 dates in a row being canceled. But when you cancel on me because you'd rather be in NYC getting drunk, yeah... I'm done. I don't even KNOW this guy, that's the funny part. I'm not mad at him, how could I be. I'm mad at myself for allowing him to string me along like this. I would bet money that he will drunk text me tonight. I will bet money that he will call me and try to set something up again. Unless this guy bends over backwards and plans something damn near spectacular, I am not wasting another second of my time or energy on this. It's a joke at this point. When I tell people this, they have to stop me and say, Wait, but you've never met him, right? RIGHT. I don't need a phone buddy. I don't WANT a text friend. I'm looking for a relationship. Something REAL that exists not on the phone. So, 3 dates canceled. 3 strikes and you're out.
1 comment:
Wow...what a jerk! Seriously...it seems like he was "testing" you. He was seeing how far he could go with this. Well, this time he crossed the line! I'm sorry, but that is just a JERK move! It really seems intentionally mean. I don't know what his deal is, but run...don't even be his friend...this is NOT a good friend! GRRRR!
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