Sunday, September 20, 2009

Time for a Change

I've been dating almost exclusively online for as long as this blog has existed. With a few exceptions, most of the dates I had were online dates. I will never speak badly about dating online, I met some great people, had one of the best relationships of my life, but I'm tired of dating online. I'm tired of the emails, and the winks, and the work that goes into being an active online dater. Plus, it makes everything so complicated.. You can check when the last time the person you are dating logged in, if they are still active after your date, does that mean they aren't interested in you? If they don't take down their profile, does that mean they plan on using it, even if you're in a relationship (This was a problem with Mr. P in the beginning.) So how does one meet people in a digital age, where social interaction has been limited to text messages, facebook posts, tweets.

My first step is to ask ANYONE and everyone I know if they know anyone they can set me up with. This is friends, family, co-workers... blog readers? Seriously, if anyone who reads this knows of anyone in the Philly area that might be interesting to date, shoot me an email, let me know. I'm open to anything or anyone.

My two extra jobs are also hopefully going to bring new social interactions. Yesterday and today I had to attend two different synagogue services for the high holidays. There wasn't an overwhelming amount of single men there, but there were definitely a few. And you know Jewish mothers are all about setting up their sons with "nice Jewish girls" (that's me!!) At the library, it's a little tricky, but my job is to talk to people who come in, help them answer any questions, locate any information they can't find themselves. So, new interactions = new potentials for dates. I still have a month paid on Match, and then I get another 6 months for free since I didn't meet "the one." So there will still be possible online dates, it's just not the only way I'm going to try to meet people these days.

The single girls at school are going to make a concerted effort to go out, try different/fun things, happy hours, wine tastings, hikes. We're going to go out, and if we meet people, great... If not, at least we're getting out and doing something fun!

I don't have any dates coming up, there are some email exchanges happening, but no dates scheduled yet. If anyone wants to try to set one up, I'm game!


Unknown said...

If I knew anyone I would set you up. Perhaps you need a change of scenery...there have to be some good men in Hoboken. :)

Becks said...

This sounds exactly like my life right now!