Thursday, February 22, 2007

Days like these...

Today felt like it was never going to end. First, I had plans to go see a movie with the college kid and every time I make plans with him, I seem to forget that he is the epitome of social awkwardness and I regret it as soon as I get there. I really wanted to see this movie, and no one else had off this entire week... so I made plans with him. I was meeting up with the acupuncturist at 8 in the village, so I figured we'd go to the movie, maybe grab a bite to eat. No harm, no foul. Never again. Seriously. I don't think I can be friends with this kid. It is PAINFUL having conversation with him and trying to have normal interactions. He's that guy on the subway who doesn't realize how loud he's talking and I noticed today that he kind of talks like a robot. It's all very monotone with very little inflection. He also brought up the autism and tourette's syndrome a couple of times, which just made me uncomfortable. And even snuck in some meds not very conspicuously. The movie was great though, I liked it a lot, and I'm glad I got to see it. Although I did have to spend the entire time making sure I sat with my body turned away from him, displaying very closed body language, so he didn't try anything funny. After the movie, it was quite a nice afternoon, and we walked around SoHo and the Village before deciding on a place to eat. It was fine except I did spend a lot of time trying to walk away from him, and ignoring most of the conversation he was making (poorly), and just trying to enjoy the almost spring-like weather. At dinner he asked me how I felt about him, which I thought I made clear last time when I said I wanted to be friends. So I told him I thought he was nice. I don't know, what am I supposed to say - that I think he's weird and makes me uncomfortable just to be in his presence. I think he got the hint though. He kept asking me why I had an online ad up if I didn't have anytime to date. Should I have said that I just didn't want to date him, and if I really liked him I would make/find the time? At one point during the meal, he put his head in his hands and just sat there with his eyes closed for about 5 minutes. I was wondering if he had fallen asleep or was crying. Either way, I was extremely uncomfortable. After dinner, I made it clear that I was not going to hang out with him any longer, even though I had 2 hours almost until I was meeting the acupuncturist. I hung out at Barnes and Noble and a small independent bookstore, and the acupuncturist met me there.

Now, I am of the belief that awful things happen to me before my dates with the acupuncturist to make me appreciate my dates with him more (Last time the Israeli told me he was leaving in 4 months). I'm not saying that he's not a really nice guy, because he is. However, if I didn't consistently have bad experiences before my dates with him, I don't know if I would be as into him. Spending the afternoon with the college kid made me really really appreciate the time I spent tonight with the acupuncturist. First, I was grateful to have non-awkward conversation. And that is a stretch for the acupuncturist as well, because he too is shy and socially awkward... just not socially inept like the kid.

The date with the acupuncturist was great, we met up at a small independent bookstore that we went to on our last date. We went from there to a cafe in the Village where we had tea and dessert. It was really nice. We sat and talked for hours. We were the last ones to leave the cafe at 11. We then walked over to Washington Square Park, where we sat on a bench for a while, kissing and such. It was nice, but it was really cold. It wasn't so cold out, but when you're sitting in one spot for a while, it gets cold pretty quickly. But we manage to stay out for about half an hour. We walked to train, kissed some more, and then went our separate ways. I'm sure I will see him again, but I'd like it if nothing atrocious happened to me prior so I could get a good grasp on how I really feel about him. The thing is, I think I could continue dating him for a long time. But at the same time, I can't see it going anywhere really serious. I could see myself casually dating him for as long as he's going to allow it, and have a good time the entire time. I don't think it will progress any further in seriousness though.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh!!! Ditch the kid! He sounds awful. The head in the hands thing strangely reminded me of your car-time with "the cryer"! haha! What's up with you bringing out the "emotional" side in men?! haha!

Logan said...

DTR -- it's gonna be a "thing"