Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Last night I had my first guy sleepover in my apartment in over a year! When I thought about it, I have had only one other guy spend the entire night in my apartment. I've had plenty of guys over, but they all have left in the wee small hours of the morning. Last night was great. A guy came over and I didn't have to walk him down the 3 flight of stairs at the very late hours of the evening (or early hours of the morning). Although, it was far from perfect.

I cleaned my entire room for the occasion. Those of you who know me well (and know what my room can often look like), know that this is a monumental event. It took me about 4 and a half hours. But it was really a very thorough job of cleaning, and organizing (something I don't do often), and figuring out what goes where. I may even this week do my laundry in Brooklyn (gasp!), something, after living here for a year and a half, I have yet to do. I do my laundry when I go home to my parents house, and up until this month, I have never really gone this long without going home. It has been over a month since I've been at my parents' house, and I will not be home again for another 2 weeks. I don't know if I can make the clothes stretch that long. (I do have enough clean clothes/underwear/socks to really go 65 days (approx. ~ I counted a while ago.) without doing my laundry... but I hope to never get that far.) Anyway, after hours of cleaning, the Israeli calls me and it's about 10pm. He says he wouldn't be able to get here until 11 or so, and maybe we should reschedule for another night. Oh, no. I was not having any of that. Not after I spent my entire night getting ready and cleaning. So I convinced him to come over (he didn't want to have to get up at 7:30 to leave when I left for work was the only reason he didn't want to come over).

He got to my place around 11:30 or so, and I was irritated because I felt like I had been waiting for him all night, and I hate waiting for guys. Nothing irritates me more. But.... He brought 2 slices from DiFara's pizzeria - which is by far the tastiest pizza I've had in Brooklyn. We went there before going down to Atlantic City, and this is the 2nd time I've had it. It's very very good. So, I was a little less irritated. He is a good hearted kid, and he really does do some sweet things. I do get so frustrated with him though. Anyway, I showed him around the apartment (all three rooms of it...), and we had some pizza. He was being very touchy/feely last night, and I was being very jumpy. Everytime he touched me, I jumped or squirmed or laughed.. which is not something that is uncommon for me. Every guy I've ever been with has told me that I laugh a lot when I'm being physically intimate, I'm not sure why that is. It certainly isn't a funny situation (ok. well, sometimes it is), I so think it's just a nervous habit - and I really can't control it. So, he kept trying to hold me or put his arms around me, and I kept squirming away from him, and laughing about it. I finally relaxed a bit, and things got a little more normal. It's weird because in his apartment, I'm as comfortable as if I live there myself. But with him in my apartment, it felt strange and out of place. I think because in his apartment he's always focused on so many other things, phone calls, work emails, laundry, etc... his attention is never 100% on me. But at my place, he had nothing else to fixate on, so it became all about me.

The rest of the night was nice, we fooled around, and then stayed up for a while playing a rhyming game. I know... we're strange. We play games and do riddles, and read together. All things which are not common for someone who is just a "yiziz" (israeli for a F'buddy), but we have this weird relationship on top of things. He threw my morning schedule off. I'm not used to having to wake someone up and worry about anyone but myself in the morning. We slept well together, but we're used to that by now. My bed is only a full, as opposed to his two twin beds pushed together, so we slept much closer than normal. But it was still comfortable. But in the morning I had to get him up out of bed, and make sure he had everything he needed for his shower, and such. He did slow me down a bit, and I managed to miss to my train... but I did catch an express that caught the train I had missed further down the line. Overall, I was less tired today than I expected to be. Must be the weather.

I'm having a dinner party on Friday night, where the Israeli will meet a lot of people I work with, and know a lot about him. He will be the first guy since my ex last year to meet my friends on purpose (taking guys to my friend's bar while she bartends doesn't count - it's not a social meeting.), and I'm a little nervous about his Israeli social skills (or apparent lack there-of).


Anonymous said...

I did my laundry on Saturday! I haven't been home since mid-February, so I HAD to do the laundry without the help of mom! haha! It wasn't so bad - and I even got to shop at Kohl's while my laundry was in the dryer! :o)

Logan said...

Wow 65 days! That means you have to do like less than 6 loads per year. I'm jealous.