Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Life is slow these days, at least on the dating front. I haven't been on any dates, and the salesman seems to have picked up on my "not interested" vibe and has ceased calling. My only saving grace these days is my school crush. I know I shouldn't write about it here because of the risk of someone finding out, but I'll live dangerously for now.

I had a meeting where my crush was present today. It was a brief department meeting, and did not require any one of us to stay very late. I assumed that as soon as the meeting was over, my crush would be out the door. I stayed around to talk with two of my co-workers, who were discussing the quality of their daycare teachers that both of their children attend. I smiled at my crush and said something to the effect of, I'm glad I don't have to worry about that. He was hanging around too, and it wasn't very clear as to why. He didn't seem to have anything important to say or anything further to discuss, but he was clearly hanging around. I was walking back to my classroom with my co-worker, and he came with us. My co-worker left to go pick up her son, and I just assumed that my crush would be leaving shortly there after. No, he stayed, for close to half an hour. We talked about school, and graduate school, and a little reference to life outside of school... but still, half an hour in my room. We joked around a bit, and the conversation had a professional, yet flirty, feel to it. He stayed until the custodian came in, kind of cautiously, and asked if she was interrupting something private. It must have seemed very intimate, with just the two of us talking in the doorway of my classroom. He stayed for a bit longer after that, but with the custodian in and out of my room, it felt strange for the two of us to stand there, in her way, talking. The choices were either, I leave my classroom, he comes fully into the classroom, or we end our already long conversation.

There is something to be said for him staying all this time to talk to me, I think, and in all the jobs I've ever had, I've never had a crush on someone who I actually had a chance with. This is just something very new. He mentioned stopping by my classroom on Friday, but my classes will be testing in the library all day, so he assured me he would stop by sometime next week. I'm constantly flustered by his appearance in my room throughout the days when he does stop by, but I do continue to look forward to our meetings.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Slurpee Salesman

I've been promising this blog for a few days now... and I should be sleeping, or doing graduate school work, or regular school work... but I'm blogging. Sunday night was my first date since I moved back home. It was weird telling my parents that I would be going on a date, and kind of embarrassing, because I'm living at home, and am now 27... Hopefully by the time I'm 28, I'll have enough money saved up to have already bought my new house. Wishful thinking. Back to the date. The guy is 31 (I must have a thing for that age these days, 31 = same age as my crush), and actually went to the same high school as me, but I think he graduated a year before I started there. It's unlikely that I would have known him anyway, I'm sure we ran with different crowds.

The short of it: (because I'm too tired to retell the whole date.) Nothing exciting.. an hour or so at Starbucks, soup at Ponzios... he asked me if I wanted to go to his place. I said no. He kissed me, it was ok. He's called me twice since then. The end.

Is he a nice guy? Yes. Definitely. Very social, and we had no problem keeping up conversation. Am I attracted to him? I don't think so. He does have very nice blue eyes, but I don't think that's enough to make it count. Here are just a few of my issues:

  • He never went to college. (I have a big problem with that... I know, college isn't for everyone, but it's essential for me, so I can't imagine not going.)
  • He's bald. and kind of looks like my ex.
  • He slurps his coffee, and his soup. I witnessed both.
  • He's had gastric bypass surgery, which is not a problem, but that he can only eat food in small doses totally is. I don't like to eat more food than my date, ever. So that meant dinner on our date was a bowl of soup. I finished mine (and probably could have eaten something a bit more substantial), he had a few spoonfuls and was done. That was a turnoff. I think I'd rather date a guy with some meat on his bones who eats more than a dude who eats less than an ounce of food per meal.
And the kicker...
  • He's a car salesman. I felt like at every suggestion he made to me, he was trying to close a deal. I don't necessarily trust the intentions of a guy who I feel is trying to sell me something, even if it is just the idea of another date.
He texted me that night to see if I got home ok, I didn't respond the message until the next day. He called that night and we talked for about 10 minutes or so, because he was at his friend's for the Eagles' game. He called tonight, a few minutes ago. I didn't pick up because I'm too tired to talk, and I didn't want to have to think on my toes about how to deflect his next sales pitch.

Today's best search that landed them on my blog was: "my date tried to suck my toes." I have NO idea how that one would go, but I would LOVE to hear that story!

Monday, September 17, 2007

How you get here.

So there have been a lot of hits on this ol' blog lately... and I have to say some of the people finding this blog are probably not looking for it. Some of the strangest ways some people have come to read my rants and raves about the dating world caught my eye.
Today's top 5 ways that my blog was found were through the following Google searches:
5. Dating an Israeli (I can answer this question for the one who is looking for answers... it sucks. don't do it.)
4. jdate for non jews. Well, people... they call it, and it's open for everyone. Again, Jdate is not for Jesus.
3. Summer Corduroy. Hmm. I don't know. really, I don't. Probably a no-no, but so many people wear white after labor day these days, I think all fashion rules are null and void (Except for tapered jeans, with a belt and a tight polo shirt. That one still doesn't work in my book.)
2. brooklyn girl blog dating disaster. Ok, so this person was probably looking for the blog... but c'mon who doesn't have the link out there? Bookmark it already people.
1. What date does summer end? Well the answer is not here, but I know it. The equinox is on Sept. 23rd this year. Probably not how I would phrase that search, but if you Google that question, my blog is on the first page.

My blog also comes up for first date disasters, second date disasters, ignoring text messages after a date, jdate phone#, my dating diary, and Scott Plasky (seriously feel bad for this one, I didn't mean for that to happen, but whoever googles his name always gets to my page).

I used to think that only people I knew read my blog, but there are people far and wide who read it. This started as just a way to keep my friends up to date on my dates, so I didn't have to retell the same crazy story over and over again. It's become so much more. So even though I'm not a Brooklyn girl anymore, and I don't date in the city either, the blog will live on.

I went on a date last night, as is apropos for the Sunday of my birthday weekend, I'll tell you all about it later. I'm beat.

Thursday, September 06, 2007


I have a crush. This is something so weird for me because I can't remember the last time I had a real honest to god crush on someone. I don't work in a profession that often opens itself up to the work romance, the men in teaching are few and far between. And the ones that are there are usually either A) married, B) old, C) gay or D) all of the above. [...]

The rest of this post has been edited because I'm an idiot and told someone I worked with about the blog. If you want to read it, let me know, I'll send it to you...