and for a change of pace, my wonderfully fabulous roommate saved me the time of having to retell this one...
Kate here, Erica's roommate—I'm filling in tonight, since Erica seems
a bit wiped out by tonight's date. I thought I'd just transcribe out
conversation for your reading pleasure.
Erica [arriving at the top of the stairs bright red because it's 900
degrees in our building.]: I just got back from the worst date
ever…well, no. But really bad. Really, really bad.
First of all, he was wearing….[laughter]…I shouldn't judge people by
what they wear, but…
Kate: Yes you should.
E. He was wearing an aquamarine polo shirt—the color of your pants
[NB: I am wearing silk VS pants]—tucked in to…are we ready for what
they are tucked into? Can you guess? Can you make a wild stab?
K: Manpris?
E: No no no, think worst style. If you saw a guy wearing these you'd
think "that guy has no style"
K: Tapered jeans?
E: But what color tapered jeans? I tried taking a picture on my
K: Acid wash?
E: No no no, black. Tight black tapered jeans. Wrangler jeans. Where
would they sell wrangler jeans in the city, K-Mart maybe?
And then, large white RUNNING SHOES.
That's what he was wearing. On the date. OHH, belted. His jeans were
belted. But of course they were—it was tucked in. to tapered black
jeans. Pulled up so high on his waist that I think I could see his
entire package.
K: So did you enjoy yourself?
E: Ok, well, looks aside. I thought maybe he'd be a good
conversationalist. We spent the entire walk to the bar, which turned
out to be closed, talking about how jury duty was the most exciting
and fulfilling experience of his life.
K: Will you turn off the toaster oven for me?
E: Jury duty. Yes. And I quote: "It was the highlight of his summer."
He's a teacher, he has the entire summer off—he's not working—the
highlight of his summer was jury duty. I believe he lives with his
parents (in Manhattan). And then he told me a story about how his mom
goes to their country house to cook eggs and then brings them back to
the city. He must have mentioned the country house three or four
times, like I'm going to be impressed that this kid has a country
We went to Lombardi's for dinner….oh god, what was the conversation we
had that I was like, "Holy shit, he did not just say that."
K: It wasn't….jury duty?
E: No, that was only on the way to and from the nonexistent bar.
OH. We're walking down bowery to go to a bar after dinner…
K: Wait, you went to a nonexistent bar and dinner AND THEN to another
bar with him?
E: Yeah, but it was only three hours.
Ok, when you're on a date…how quickly do you walk? Do you powerwalk?
K: Have you met B?
E: We're walking down Bowery and I think I'm going at a pretty decent
pace, and he's like "Can you go any faster?" And then books it down
the street. I didn't realize I was getting my workout on my date
He was showing me self defense moves at the bar…
K:…not ok.
E: All he could talk about was himself. And I ask questions and
pretend i'm interested even if all I'm thinking is "how much longer
do I have to sit here before it's socially acceptable to go home?"
Yeah. Pretty much was the worst.
No, I can't say The Worst, I've had so many bad ones.
How can I do this 5 more times this week? I want to cancel them all.
But two of them seem cool.
K: But…why are you going out with…
E: Guys who don't seem cool?
Yeah, so that was date number one from my week of a bazillion dates.
One girl's experience with dating throughout the boroughs of New York City. And now the suburbs of Philadelphia...
Monday, July 31, 2006
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Double Header
In my months of dating prior, I have done many things that I hadn't done before. The most recent new occurrence is having 2 dates in 1 day. My time has been crowded lately, which is strange because for the first few weeks I was home from Peru, I did virtually nothing. But my dating schedule is full, so in order to make the best use of my time I planned a double header date for last Thursday. Both of them were Jdate boys, and I was looking forward to both of them, but the second one I was convinced would be the best date I would have on jdate. I somehow convinced myself through IM conversations and emails that I had more in common with this guy than maybe I should have... but I digress...
Date #1 - Number 1 called me an hour before planned and told me that his plans had fallen through for the rest of the afternoon, and could I come and meet him earlier than planned? This was a good sign. I had planned the other date for later that evening, but at an unknown time because I didn't know when date 1 would end. We met at the subway stop and walked to a bar in the Village. We had beers and talked, and I noticed that number 1 was moving closer and closer to me. And then he moved in, and started kissing me at the bar. Apparently, I've become that girl that kisses guys at bars, in public, in broad daylight. But he was a good kisser, and I had 2 beers... I was not all that concerned. After much making out in the bar, and on the street, and in the subway, we ended up back at my apartment, where not much more happened.. because I'm not that type of girl. But it was enough that it needed to be removed from the bar. He had to go help a friend at 10, and I was getting quite desperate for him to leave so I could prepare for date 2. It was thundering and lightning pretty bad, and it was going to start pouring at any moment. I offered to lend him an umbrella, to which he replied, Nah, because then I'd have to give it back to you. Wow. That's honest. I never had a more direct, I don't thin I want to see you again statement on a date. Although after he left, he called about 10 minutes later, after realizing we hadn't eaten any dinner or anything on the date, and wanted to know if I wanted to get dinner. I thought that was really sweet, but after that umbrella comment, I decided against it. Besides, I was in full preparation mode for Date #2.
Date #2 - After a small bug scare and my roommate forcing me to eat a real meal, I was ready for number 2. I was so convinced that this guy was going to be it. We had so much in common, had really good conversations, I should have known... Never get my hopes up... nothing is more disappointing than going into a date with such high expectations. I tried to meet him at the bar on the corner, but he vetoed that... I should have insisted. But I was so certain that he was going to be a good date, I allowed something that I have only done once before - ever, I met him at my apartment. Now, I hope my roommate doesn't read this, she may very well kill me... or just be thankful that she is moving out in a month, because I kind of hinted that it wasn't our first date. I didn't want her to freak out. She would have had every right. It was stupid and really not safe, and though he turned out to be normal, it was a really dumb move on my part. I need more common sense when it comes to dating, and really need to not trust people so freely. Anyway, number 2 came over. He was shorter than I imagined, but on jdate, you have to get used to dating guys on the shorter side. But other than that, so far so good. He came up to my apartment, and his mannerisms and behavior strongly reminded me of this guy I dated last year who was severely depressed and we refer to him as the "crier" (if I have a dating dry spell - I will post the story of the crier.. just for giggles). I do not need another crier in my life, but I couldn't place what it was about this guy that reminded me so severely of the crier. We sat in my living room for a while, talking. Number 2 is an aspiring chef in culinary school, which is definitely part of his initial appeal, and he talked for a while about restaurants he hoped to work in when he came back for his extern in a few weeks. We moved the conversation to the bedroom because I have air conditioning in my bedroom, and it was unbearably hot in the living room, even with both the fans on. Mistake. Guys see bedroom, they think they are going to get laid. Unfortunately for this guy, he didn't know what he was up against. I knew there was no chance that was going to happen. We made out for a bit - which means... yes, I made out with 2 different guys in less than 3 hours. Not proud of it, but hey... He stayed for a while and we talked... but I don't think it's going to work.
So as we're talking, he asks me, Just wondering... how would one get from here to say The Restaurant? (anonymity.. fill in the name of the restaurant he got a job offer for) After I tell him, and ask him why he wants to know.. he responded, well you know, I have the tendency to project a bit. Um. Ok. but he's planning his commute from my apartment for 6 weeks from now? He is still in culinary school and will be away for the next 6 weeks for a class. His externship starts in 6 weeks. Well, that's more than I've gotten on a first date. He mentions that he'll be in the city next weekend for a street fair, and would I want to see him again? He then says, I can stay here. And when I say, um, you mean here as in... my apartment? I am really thinking, there is no way this guy I just met is inviting himself to my apartment for the entire weekend, right... I don't think my last boyfriend ever stayed over for the entire weekend. So I said, well I think it may be a little too soon for that. He was ok with that response, even though he tried to convince me that he'd be really busy and I wouldn't see him much anyway. So.. why would I want him to stay?
He leaves not much later, and I have this weird unsettled feeling that this guy now thinks of himself as my boyfriend. Number 2 IMed me the next day, and we've talked on IM at least once everyday since then. But there has been no mention of seeing him again, or the upcoming weekend. I wonder how I will manage to dodge that one. Number 1 actually called me the next day as well while I was driving home to my parents' house for the weekend. I was surprised to hear from him so soon, I guess I misread the umbrella comment. We talked online once since then as well. He wants to get together this week, but it's not looking good for number 1. He was nice enough, and we had a good time, but I don't know that we'll be able to connect scheduling wise again.
For all you faithful readers out there, be prepared... I have 5 dates coming up this week. 5 dates in 5 days, although one day has another double header planned. However, I am getting tired of the serial dating, and would like to meet one person to date. There are a few good potentials that I'm looking forward to, and some that I know will provide a great story, and maybe one will be both.
Date #1 - Number 1 called me an hour before planned and told me that his plans had fallen through for the rest of the afternoon, and could I come and meet him earlier than planned? This was a good sign. I had planned the other date for later that evening, but at an unknown time because I didn't know when date 1 would end. We met at the subway stop and walked to a bar in the Village. We had beers and talked, and I noticed that number 1 was moving closer and closer to me. And then he moved in, and started kissing me at the bar. Apparently, I've become that girl that kisses guys at bars, in public, in broad daylight. But he was a good kisser, and I had 2 beers... I was not all that concerned. After much making out in the bar, and on the street, and in the subway, we ended up back at my apartment, where not much more happened.. because I'm not that type of girl. But it was enough that it needed to be removed from the bar. He had to go help a friend at 10, and I was getting quite desperate for him to leave so I could prepare for date 2. It was thundering and lightning pretty bad, and it was going to start pouring at any moment. I offered to lend him an umbrella, to which he replied, Nah, because then I'd have to give it back to you. Wow. That's honest. I never had a more direct, I don't thin I want to see you again statement on a date. Although after he left, he called about 10 minutes later, after realizing we hadn't eaten any dinner or anything on the date, and wanted to know if I wanted to get dinner. I thought that was really sweet, but after that umbrella comment, I decided against it. Besides, I was in full preparation mode for Date #2.
Date #2 - After a small bug scare and my roommate forcing me to eat a real meal, I was ready for number 2. I was so convinced that this guy was going to be it. We had so much in common, had really good conversations, I should have known... Never get my hopes up... nothing is more disappointing than going into a date with such high expectations. I tried to meet him at the bar on the corner, but he vetoed that... I should have insisted. But I was so certain that he was going to be a good date, I allowed something that I have only done once before - ever, I met him at my apartment. Now, I hope my roommate doesn't read this, she may very well kill me... or just be thankful that she is moving out in a month, because I kind of hinted that it wasn't our first date. I didn't want her to freak out. She would have had every right. It was stupid and really not safe, and though he turned out to be normal, it was a really dumb move on my part. I need more common sense when it comes to dating, and really need to not trust people so freely. Anyway, number 2 came over. He was shorter than I imagined, but on jdate, you have to get used to dating guys on the shorter side. But other than that, so far so good. He came up to my apartment, and his mannerisms and behavior strongly reminded me of this guy I dated last year who was severely depressed and we refer to him as the "crier" (if I have a dating dry spell - I will post the story of the crier.. just for giggles). I do not need another crier in my life, but I couldn't place what it was about this guy that reminded me so severely of the crier. We sat in my living room for a while, talking. Number 2 is an aspiring chef in culinary school, which is definitely part of his initial appeal, and he talked for a while about restaurants he hoped to work in when he came back for his extern in a few weeks. We moved the conversation to the bedroom because I have air conditioning in my bedroom, and it was unbearably hot in the living room, even with both the fans on. Mistake. Guys see bedroom, they think they are going to get laid. Unfortunately for this guy, he didn't know what he was up against. I knew there was no chance that was going to happen. We made out for a bit - which means... yes, I made out with 2 different guys in less than 3 hours. Not proud of it, but hey... He stayed for a while and we talked... but I don't think it's going to work.
So as we're talking, he asks me, Just wondering... how would one get from here to say The Restaurant? (anonymity.. fill in the name of the restaurant he got a job offer for) After I tell him, and ask him why he wants to know.. he responded, well you know, I have the tendency to project a bit. Um. Ok. but he's planning his commute from my apartment for 6 weeks from now? He is still in culinary school and will be away for the next 6 weeks for a class. His externship starts in 6 weeks. Well, that's more than I've gotten on a first date. He mentions that he'll be in the city next weekend for a street fair, and would I want to see him again? He then says, I can stay here. And when I say, um, you mean here as in... my apartment? I am really thinking, there is no way this guy I just met is inviting himself to my apartment for the entire weekend, right... I don't think my last boyfriend ever stayed over for the entire weekend. So I said, well I think it may be a little too soon for that. He was ok with that response, even though he tried to convince me that he'd be really busy and I wouldn't see him much anyway. So.. why would I want him to stay?
He leaves not much later, and I have this weird unsettled feeling that this guy now thinks of himself as my boyfriend. Number 2 IMed me the next day, and we've talked on IM at least once everyday since then. But there has been no mention of seeing him again, or the upcoming weekend. I wonder how I will manage to dodge that one. Number 1 actually called me the next day as well while I was driving home to my parents' house for the weekend. I was surprised to hear from him so soon, I guess I misread the umbrella comment. We talked online once since then as well. He wants to get together this week, but it's not looking good for number 1. He was nice enough, and we had a good time, but I don't know that we'll be able to connect scheduling wise again.
For all you faithful readers out there, be prepared... I have 5 dates coming up this week. 5 dates in 5 days, although one day has another double header planned. However, I am getting tired of the serial dating, and would like to meet one person to date. There are a few good potentials that I'm looking forward to, and some that I know will provide a great story, and maybe one will be both.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
An hour for lunch...
So my last date was nothing noteworthy. Except that I made quite the ass out of myself. I had been chatting with the jdate guy, and he mentioned that he was leaving the office for lunch, and asked if I wanted to meet up for coffee on his break. So I showered and got dressed and met him over at a coffee shop not too far from where I lived. He ordered my coffee, and I'm looking in my purse for my wallet. My wallet is somewhat large, easy to find in my bag. I'm looking, looking. He doesn't even notice and has already proceeded to pay the cashier... I am relieved about that, and thank him graciously. But all I can think about is "Where is my wallet??" I remember having it last night... and he's talking and talking, and I'm trying to pick up bits and pieces of the conversation so I can seem as if I'm paying attention. This is not good. All I can think about is where my wallet could be... hoping and willing it to be in my apartment.
So we finished coffee, and the jdate guy, god i can't even remember a thing we talked about the entire time, is debating whether or not he really needs to go back to work. I read this as, I want to spend more time with you.. and I'm like.. um, I need to go to my apartment. And basically just start walking back towards my place. He doesn't seemed deterred and comes along. Ok, normally I would be completely creeped out by a guy I don't know following me to my apartment, especially without invitation, but I just needed to get back and look for my wallet.
So, I leave the jdate guy in my living room and proceed to search my bedroom. At first I didn't see it, and I started racking my brain, over and over.. where could it be? Poor guy is sitting on the couch in my living room, and it was hot yesterday, no fans on, nothing. Just sitting there. Finally I found my wallet under my bed, and calmed down a bit. At this point, it's no surprise that the guy decided he really should go back to his office for work... and not continue the date any further. He was nice though, very polite and well mannered, but even if I hadn't lost my wallet, I doubt there would have been anything there anyway. Well at least I found my wallet.
The next week is shaping up to be a whirlwind of dates. I have no idea where they all came from, but there are a lot to come...
So we finished coffee, and the jdate guy, god i can't even remember a thing we talked about the entire time, is debating whether or not he really needs to go back to work. I read this as, I want to spend more time with you.. and I'm like.. um, I need to go to my apartment. And basically just start walking back towards my place. He doesn't seemed deterred and comes along. Ok, normally I would be completely creeped out by a guy I don't know following me to my apartment, especially without invitation, but I just needed to get back and look for my wallet.
So, I leave the jdate guy in my living room and proceed to search my bedroom. At first I didn't see it, and I started racking my brain, over and over.. where could it be? Poor guy is sitting on the couch in my living room, and it was hot yesterday, no fans on, nothing. Just sitting there. Finally I found my wallet under my bed, and calmed down a bit. At this point, it's no surprise that the guy decided he really should go back to his office for work... and not continue the date any further. He was nice though, very polite and well mannered, but even if I hadn't lost my wallet, I doubt there would have been anything there anyway. Well at least I found my wallet.
The next week is shaping up to be a whirlwind of dates. I have no idea where they all came from, but there are a lot to come...
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Using the Phone for Dummies
Since coming home from Peru, I haven't been on any dates. But in preparation of the rest of my summer, I have been busy on jdate. I have been chatting with a couple of guys and giving out my phone number quite a bit lately. Apparently, the phone is a modern marvel to some guys who have yet to figure out the proper etiquette on making a phone call to someone they are interested in dating.
Rule #1 when calling a girl you've never met: Introduce yourself
Ok, this may seem redundant in a world where cell phones display your name/number when the phone call is received. However, it's extremely presumptuous to assume that the girl you are calling has programmed your name and number into her phone. I happen to not program names and numbers into my phone until I am certain that I actually like the person and want to speak to them again. This created a problem when one guy called me, and I have spoken to him on the phone one time before I left for Peru. He must have thought that I had his name and number programmed in, because when I answered the phone, he didn't make any introductions, and just assumed that I should know who I was talking to. We had an entire conversation, he was telling me about the lake he was at with his family, and talking and talking... while I was on the other end trying to narrow down the possibilities of who I was actually talking to. That whole mishap could have been avoided if when I answered the phone, he said, "Hey Girl, It's ____" Not very hard, eh?
Rule #2: Don't call and hang up
The other day I was out at the park, and my phone rang. I saw that it was a number I didn't have programmed into my phone, but I didn't really focus on the number. I just answered the call, and the caller on the other end hung up. Strange, I thought. Maybe it was a bad connection. I checked the phone number. Oh. Dear. Lord. My subway stalker is back. Only now, he's hanging up if I answer the phone. Ahhh, reminds me of my Scott Plasky days of calling and hanging up. Hey, it was seventh grade. Not that I grew out of it that quickly! But today, if I were going to call and hang up on someone, I would definitely make sure I at least blocked my phone number before calling!
Rule #3 Do not release bodily functions into the phone
This one SHOULD be a no brainer. I was on the phone with a guy, who likes to call himself the Man of My Dreams (no really, he has called himself that to me probably about 3 or 4 times so far) and I hear these strange noises. It sounded like a bad connection, or weird rustling noises. Then the "man of my dreams" says, "guess which one was the real one." What? I am so confused. "The real what?" I ask. "The real fart" he replies, "there were 3 but only one was real." Um. Gross. Why are boys this disgusting? And not to mention this guy is 27. At 27, no one should be farting into the phone for entertainment sake. If the conversation was that dull that he needed to resort to childish fart humor, well.. maybe it's not even worth taking to the dating level.
Maybe there is a real market for this, I should write a book... The Guy's Guide to Using the Phone: A step by step guide for semi-retarded males dating on the Internet. I could make a fortune.
Rule #1 when calling a girl you've never met: Introduce yourself
Ok, this may seem redundant in a world where cell phones display your name/number when the phone call is received. However, it's extremely presumptuous to assume that the girl you are calling has programmed your name and number into her phone. I happen to not program names and numbers into my phone until I am certain that I actually like the person and want to speak to them again. This created a problem when one guy called me, and I have spoken to him on the phone one time before I left for Peru. He must have thought that I had his name and number programmed in, because when I answered the phone, he didn't make any introductions, and just assumed that I should know who I was talking to. We had an entire conversation, he was telling me about the lake he was at with his family, and talking and talking... while I was on the other end trying to narrow down the possibilities of who I was actually talking to. That whole mishap could have been avoided if when I answered the phone, he said, "Hey Girl, It's ____" Not very hard, eh?
Rule #2: Don't call and hang up
The other day I was out at the park, and my phone rang. I saw that it was a number I didn't have programmed into my phone, but I didn't really focus on the number. I just answered the call, and the caller on the other end hung up. Strange, I thought. Maybe it was a bad connection. I checked the phone number. Oh. Dear. Lord. My subway stalker is back. Only now, he's hanging up if I answer the phone. Ahhh, reminds me of my Scott Plasky days of calling and hanging up. Hey, it was seventh grade. Not that I grew out of it that quickly! But today, if I were going to call and hang up on someone, I would definitely make sure I at least blocked my phone number before calling!
Rule #3 Do not release bodily functions into the phone
This one SHOULD be a no brainer. I was on the phone with a guy, who likes to call himself the Man of My Dreams (no really, he has called himself that to me probably about 3 or 4 times so far) and I hear these strange noises. It sounded like a bad connection, or weird rustling noises. Then the "man of my dreams" says, "guess which one was the real one." What? I am so confused. "The real what?" I ask. "The real fart" he replies, "there were 3 but only one was real." Um. Gross. Why are boys this disgusting? And not to mention this guy is 27. At 27, no one should be farting into the phone for entertainment sake. If the conversation was that dull that he needed to resort to childish fart humor, well.. maybe it's not even worth taking to the dating level.
Maybe there is a real market for this, I should write a book... The Guy's Guide to Using the Phone: A step by step guide for semi-retarded males dating on the Internet. I could make a fortune.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Jew in Peru
When I´m dating at home, I make it a point, no not a point, but I do my best to avoid Israeli guys at all costs. I have a lot of bad pre-conceived notions about Israeli men being forceful or rude or just overall don't make great dates. Not really very open-minded of me. But everyone has their things that they look for or avoid.
On Monday I took the train to Aguas Calientes in order to do the day trip to Machu Picchu on Tuesday morning. I was travelling by myself, but had met a girl on the train ride up who was in a similar situation, except she was going to Machu Picchu as soon as we got to Aguas Caliente, and not waiting for the next day. We met up again once she got back later that night, and stopped by the ATM before heading out to dinner. While we were waiting in line, we struck up a conversation with a guy in front of us. He was cute. I mean REALLY cute and Israeli. Leave it to me to find the Jews in Peru. He was a little dirty and smelly, he had just got into the town from a 4 day hike on the Inca Trail and I still thought he was really attractive. We talked to him for a while, and invited him to go to dinner and drinks with us later. But he was tired and wanted to shower and had to get up at 4 am to finish his trek up to Machu Picchu. So he didn´t come out with us that night, and I honestly didn´t think I´d see him again.
I got up to head up to Machu Picchu around 5 am, got there around 6:15 or so, and who is the first person I see when I get off the bus? The Israeli. He was with his Inca Trail group, but he said hi as I passed, and I replied in kind, but I didn´t want to stop and talk since he was with his friends and such. So his group was behind me as we headed up the first trail that leads to the point where most people watch the sunrise over Machu Picchu. I stopped on one of the landings to take some pictures, and he stopped as well, and struck up a conversation. When he found out that I was there by myself (he thought I had gone yesterday with the girl from the train) he invited me to join his group. Of course I´d rather join his group than tour Machu Picchu alone. So, I went up with him to join his group and he introduced me to his 3 friends he had done the Inca Trail with. I felt a little uncomfortable, and like I was intruding into his group. All his friends are from Israel, and they were speaking Hebrew the whole time. Of course I felt self conscious, like they were talking about me or something.. damn should´ve paid more attention in Hebrew School! The whole tour Israeli guy was very nice. He would walk with me, and we talked a bit. If I stopped to take a picture, he would wait back with me. He would translate some of the things he was saying to his friends, and we had a great time on the tour. After the tour, I wasn´t sure what to do... Should I go off on my own, should I tag along with his group...? I went with them to find the bathroom, and we stopped at the cafe area to have a bite to eat. His friends were very nice, and we talked about Israel and the US, and I felt more at ease around them. His friends were going to climb Huanya Picchu, the large mountain that is traditionally seen behind the lost city of Machu Picchu. He was going to go and invited me to come with, but then I said that I don´t climb mountains. The whole fear of heights thing. He then decided he was too tired to climb the mountain too, and he would walk around the ruins with me some more. So we walked around the ruins some more, and talked for about another hour. But I could tell he was really hurting from his 4 day trek, and he was going to walk back to town of Aguas Calientes, which I had no desire to do, and had already bought my bus ticket to get back.
He is staying in Cusco for the next few weeks, which is where I am staying with my friend, so we exchanged phone numbers and email addresses so we can meet up to do a hike in the near by town of Pisac tomorrow, possibly. I doubt anything will come of me meeting an israeli boy in Peru, maybe I´ll see him again before I leave on Saturday. And he´s talked about coming to visit on his way back to Israel in September. He´s going to stop in NYC for a few days to visit a friend. We´ll see. He´s cute, and fun, and I really enjoyed his company. Go figure, me and jew, in peru.
On Monday I took the train to Aguas Calientes in order to do the day trip to Machu Picchu on Tuesday morning. I was travelling by myself, but had met a girl on the train ride up who was in a similar situation, except she was going to Machu Picchu as soon as we got to Aguas Caliente, and not waiting for the next day. We met up again once she got back later that night, and stopped by the ATM before heading out to dinner. While we were waiting in line, we struck up a conversation with a guy in front of us. He was cute. I mean REALLY cute and Israeli. Leave it to me to find the Jews in Peru. He was a little dirty and smelly, he had just got into the town from a 4 day hike on the Inca Trail and I still thought he was really attractive. We talked to him for a while, and invited him to go to dinner and drinks with us later. But he was tired and wanted to shower and had to get up at 4 am to finish his trek up to Machu Picchu. So he didn´t come out with us that night, and I honestly didn´t think I´d see him again.
I got up to head up to Machu Picchu around 5 am, got there around 6:15 or so, and who is the first person I see when I get off the bus? The Israeli. He was with his Inca Trail group, but he said hi as I passed, and I replied in kind, but I didn´t want to stop and talk since he was with his friends and such. So his group was behind me as we headed up the first trail that leads to the point where most people watch the sunrise over Machu Picchu. I stopped on one of the landings to take some pictures, and he stopped as well, and struck up a conversation. When he found out that I was there by myself (he thought I had gone yesterday with the girl from the train) he invited me to join his group. Of course I´d rather join his group than tour Machu Picchu alone. So, I went up with him to join his group and he introduced me to his 3 friends he had done the Inca Trail with. I felt a little uncomfortable, and like I was intruding into his group. All his friends are from Israel, and they were speaking Hebrew the whole time. Of course I felt self conscious, like they were talking about me or something.. damn should´ve paid more attention in Hebrew School! The whole tour Israeli guy was very nice. He would walk with me, and we talked a bit. If I stopped to take a picture, he would wait back with me. He would translate some of the things he was saying to his friends, and we had a great time on the tour. After the tour, I wasn´t sure what to do... Should I go off on my own, should I tag along with his group...? I went with them to find the bathroom, and we stopped at the cafe area to have a bite to eat. His friends were very nice, and we talked about Israel and the US, and I felt more at ease around them. His friends were going to climb Huanya Picchu, the large mountain that is traditionally seen behind the lost city of Machu Picchu. He was going to go and invited me to come with, but then I said that I don´t climb mountains. The whole fear of heights thing. He then decided he was too tired to climb the mountain too, and he would walk around the ruins with me some more. So we walked around the ruins some more, and talked for about another hour. But I could tell he was really hurting from his 4 day trek, and he was going to walk back to town of Aguas Calientes, which I had no desire to do, and had already bought my bus ticket to get back.
He is staying in Cusco for the next few weeks, which is where I am staying with my friend, so we exchanged phone numbers and email addresses so we can meet up to do a hike in the near by town of Pisac tomorrow, possibly. I doubt anything will come of me meeting an israeli boy in Peru, maybe I´ll see him again before I leave on Saturday. And he´s talked about coming to visit on his way back to Israel in September. He´s going to stop in NYC for a few days to visit a friend. We´ll see. He´s cute, and fun, and I really enjoyed his company. Go figure, me and jew, in peru.
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